UConn vs GMU vs WIT for Comp Engineering

Son has been admitted to a number of schools…but the top 3 choices are:

George Mason
Wentworth Institute of Technology
UConn (starting out at a regional campus)

The real decision is whether or not one year at the Stamford campus for UConn is a deal breaker. We love the coop program at Wentworth. Wentworth and Uconn will cost us about the same. GMU is great because he can directly jump into the big campus feel…

He has been admitted to his major in all the schools. He is a soccer player and would have loved to continue even with intermural soccer.

Bottom line - is UConns reputation worth starting out at the regional campus?

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I think how disruptive the transfer at UConn would be depends on the kid’s personality. I wouldn’t have wanted a transfer for my own college student who is introverted, but maybe a different kid would be fine.

Wentworth is an interesting school. Seems like they get a lot of personalized attention. I wonder whether they will be absorbed by NEU. I keep hearing speculation about that. If so, that could be a downside for some kids, but an upside for others (would get the bigger name and the greater resources while continuing to pay the typically lower Wentworth tuition.)

Can’t speak to the strength or reputation of the individual Comp Engineering programs, sorry.

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Everyone is different.

But if you have four year one location options, why choose a branch school?
Then it comes downn to humongous GMU vs smaller.

Yes, thank you everyone for taking the time to reply. Yes, the schools are quite different in terms of size. The question I am trying to answer for myself is whether or not the reputational difference between a UConn (national rep) and a Wentworth (seems more like a regional rep) is worth taking the hit of a regional campus for one year. That is the struggle we are having right now.

No it’s not in my opinion.

Where does he want to be? All three will be fine - as long as they are ABET, it has zero impact.

And I’m not sure I would agree UCONN has a national rep moreso than the others.

But they do have a more well known basketball program - both mens and women.

Good luck.

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If he likes GMU, then it’s a wonderful choice for Computer Engineering. Lot’s of internship opportunities, and lots of recruitment for jobs out of there.

IMO, I don’t think starting out at a regional campus and transferring is worth it to attend UConn over GMU.


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