<p>spker, don’t be so defensive, man. look back at past threads in which people have listed stats. RARELY is one below 3.5. Riverside is widely regarded as the bottom bracket UC, along with merced, i guess… my assertion that the majority of CCers, being so competitive, wouldn’t have bothered to apply to the bottom tier UCs shouldn’t be taken offensively by anyone who did. nor do i think it says anything of my ego, healthy though it is. </p>
<p>perhaps i could appeal to you for an answer to the question i asked (sincerely) in post #9.</p>
<p>Nick, in my response, i did say ‘LSATs aside’. of course it’s no secret that when applying to law schools, LSATs count for as much, and sometimes, depending on the school, more than does GPA.
you can say i’m misinformed, but that doesn’t make it so. i trust my sources and feel justified in suggesting that if given the option, someone were to choose Riverside OVER UCLA, and has plans to pursue a graduate degree, he might want to be absolutely sure of his undergraduate decision. and having come to that decision, i’m legitimately curious about the process that led him there.</p>
<p>“I would actually contend that a higher GPA at a state school (such as UCR) is more impressive than one at HYPS…”
- i still think you’re trippin, but let’s just agree to disagree. </p>
<p>chibi, law school isn’t the only post graduate path, and your figures and your vague terminology far exaggerate the circumstances being discussed. </p>
<li>for the record, i never said explicitly that UCR is a crap school. think of it like a natty ice compared to a bud light be offered for the same price at a bar. you’ve already gotten in the door, and you’ve gotta drink something, right? both beers are made by the same good ol’ american company, that anyone should be proud to endorse… but one of them tastes way better.
that said, i’ll challenge anyone to explain to me how they’ve come to prefer the natty ice to the bud light.</li>