
From the University of California website:

"The ELC program ensures that academically talented and deserving California resident students from all over the state have the opportunity to join us at UC.

ELC status adds value to the application and is one of the 14 factors considered when applications are reviewed. Additionally, ELC students not admitted to any of their campus choices are offered a spot at a UC campus that has space, if minimum UC requirements are met."

Basically all ELC does is ensure you a spot at a UC campus if you get rejected from other UCs that you applied to. That UC campus most likely being Merced, since it is the newest with the least applicants.

If you don’t qualify for ELC then you’re not disqualified for admission, you just simply don’t qualify for ELC.

@Avancer aaah thanks so much! That’s what I thought at first, but the more and more I read the info on the UC website, the more confused I got

OK, well I have a question. If UCR is, GPA and test score-wise, the least competitive of the UC’s that my son applied to, and he were not accepted, does that pretty much mean he won’t be accepted to any of them? Or is it possible that, with the holistic review that exists, with essays and such, that one of the other campuses might, for some reason, like him and accept him? I guess I’m wondering how significant this admission decision is. This may be a question for @Gumbymom :slight_smile:

@jesse’sgirl cousin was denied from UCR and was accepted into UC Berkeley. It might have been because he was over qualified. We will never really know why though.

He could still have a chance at another UC

Are some acceptances really coming out at midnight or is that just a rumor?

@Michael2000 it’s a highly-speculated rumor lol

@Michael2000 but earlier in this thread someone mentioned asking the admissions office and they said it would be this week

They said this week, we don’t know when

about an hour boys!

@Michael2000 Some people said they called & they said it would come out 3/6 (midnight). So tonight hopefully

ahhh im going to stay uppp!! im so nervous i really hope the results come out in 45 minutes… Fingers crossed. Good luck everyone!!!

Ack. My kid went to bed. Guess I have to wait 'til tomorrow. Good luck you all.

Lets pray it comes out at midnight guys.

i made a thread just for decisions, so if decisions do pop up please post them there!

can you post a link to the thread @Avancer

About 15 minutes away now !!!

Yikes. I just thought of this!! This is from the UCSC thread. What if it’s something like this?!?!

“A - C beginning at 12:00 a.m.
D - G beginning at 1:00 a.m.
H - K beginning at 2:00 a.m.
L - N beginning at 3:00 a.m.
O - S beginning at 4:00 a.m.
T - Z beginning at 5:00 a.m.”

http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-riverside/1969257-ucr-class-of-2021-decisions-only-thread.html#latest @Superman147

10 Minutes!!!