UCR honors or UCD? Please help

<p>Hi, I got into UC Riverside and their UHP (University Honors Program). This allows smaller class sizes, classes taught by the actual professors, priority registration…
However, I just got accepted off the UC Davis waitlist. I have to SIR to Davis by tomorrow. The honors program for Davis (DHC) is not based off GPA or test scores and is not due till May 28th. I do not know my chances of getting in DHC. I want to submit my SIR to Davis, too and make the decision after hearing from DHC.
However, I have a feeling I will not get into the UCD honors program. So, I was wondering, should I attend UCR with honors or UC Davis without honors? </p>

<p>Thanks. :)</p>

<p>Priority registration is a nice perk considering with the budget cuts and all, since it is sometimes hard to get the classes you want. However, UCR is considered as the lowest UC with UC Merced and UCD is the top 4 UC and top 40 something in the ranks (while UCR is about 90+) – so if you care about the prestige of the school, then I suggest go to UCD. </p>

<p>Your major also plays a factor. From what I heard, UCR’s business program is pretty good (that it’s comparable to that of Berkeley’s). UCD is also a good school in any way and it’s a strong science school. But I suppose either school is good for any major. </p>

<p>Also, it depends on what kind of environment you like. Riverside is a nice city but there’s not much to do. There are some malls like the Tyler Galleria but it’s all houses for the most part (LA’s about 2-3 hours, Big Bear Mountain is about 1 and a half, SD is about 2-3 hours, Disneyland is about 1 or so…). Everything is quite a drive away. I’m not so sure about UCD though. I heard there were cows but I heard it’s a college town and sports are also good. </p>

<p>I suggest researching more about the two universities. There are many threads here about the two schools so search for those! Good luck on your decision, whatever you choose. It’s all about what you feel will fit for you in the next 4 years or so :)</p>

<p>Sir to Davis and don’t look back. There are countless things that UCD owns UCR at… campus environment… academics… sports… and the list goes on.</p>

<p>Be Proud, Be an Aggie.</p>

<p>Thanks!! I am going to visit UCD soon. I’ve already visited UCR twice.
My major is mathematics, and what I really want to know is whether honors is worth staying at UCR for.
Is it better to be one of the better students at a lower university one of the average students at a higher university?</p>

<p>What makes you think you will be an average student at Davis?</p>

<p>I heard that Riverside has a much lower quality of life, like break-ins are very common, while Davis has a friendly, active community where the only major theft is bike theft (lol).</p>

<p>That said, DHC is not difficult at all, and it’s based off on essays and your own personal initiative to make the most of what you have. 30-50% acceptance rate. An honors program shouldn’t determine if you’ll be successful or not, since it’s ultimately up to you.</p>

<p>“Is it better to be one of the better students at a lower university one of the average students at a higher university?”</p>

<p>A very astute question. </p>

<p>My son is an Electrical Engineering student at UCR. He likes his roommate, his classmates, and he likes many of his professors. He is working hard, likes his classes, doing well academically and has made the Deans List twice. He is finishing up his first year and, I believe, he will look forward to his sophmore year. </p>

<p>It’s been a good school for him.</p>

<p>“Is it better to be one of the better students at a lower university one of the average students at a higher university?”</p>

<p>Any grad school you apply to will take a long serious look at you for your good grades at UCD. And like CaliTrumpet said, you really don’t know if you will be average. No one knows how a student will be when they enter a university. Only they know. If you want to be average, then that’s what you will be, but if you want to be a good, better student then that’s what you will be. All it takes is hard work and effort. Don’t let UCD scare you away for the possibility that you might only end up as an average student – which I doubt you will be :)</p>

<p>Thank you everyone!! I am now leaning towards Davis!!! All I need to do now is visit the campus and make sure I like it!!! :slight_smile: Thanks!! Any additional opinions are still appreciated.</p>

<p>From a current UCR student who is transferring out this year, go to Davis. I spent a year in the honors program. There is one perk: priority registration. Don’t choose UCR just because of the honors program.</p>

<p>Why do you not like UCR or the UHP?</p>

<p>I am in the same situation – accepted to UCR’s UHP but waiting for UCD to accept me off of the waitlist. I believe both schools have great opportunities.
I am going into a Biology major as a Pre-Medical Student.</p>

<p>UCR seems to have a great advantage with a smaller class size therefore I will have a better opportunity to get the classes I want, whereas UCD has a larger class size that might prohibit me from recieving the classes I want.
UCD is a great medical school.
UCR has a medical school coming in my sophomore year.
UCD is more well known, but has a load more student.
UCR has a lower rank, but has less competition for classes.</p>

<p>Competition for classes should NOT be a deciding factor in your decision, so that’s a silly point here. UCR still has a lot of students: most of my classes there were huge lectures just like they’ll be at UCD. UCD has a better reputation, better location, and overall stronger student body.</p>

<p>I would love to hear what you guys chose</p>