UCR is a great school! UCRespected

<p>*UCR Medical Program (Future hospital. First built in CA in 40 years.)
*UCR Engineering (New research building opens in 2010)
*UCR Students (3rd most diverse in the nation. This is a great opportunity to learn from people around the world. Great Asian connections after college.)
*UCR Research (Millions spent in Research. Nobel Prize winners.)
*UCR (Top Tier University)
*UCR (Central to many locations. Close to mountains, or Disneyland)</p>

<p>As an over thirty years old student I have a much different perspective on the value of a college education. My wife and I recently finished our community college degrees and are now ready to transfer. We married at a young age and have two children. My wife also has health conditions that have required attention taking us more time then desired to finish our two year degrees. I have worked in the corporate world, without a degree, and have learned a lot about the reality of a college education. First I must say that not all major executives go to a first tier college (Which UCR is.) I know top business executives that have degrees in areas such as "Fashion Design." If you have a "go getter" personality you will be successful. I'm not saying don't get a degree. Definitely get a degree. I have many friends that went to USC, UCLA etc. Some are successful and others are not. I know an executive who went to CSUN. My point is the school that you attend is not as important as the type of person you are. That being said we all want to go to the best school possible. The question then becomes which school is the best? Personally, I think that if you can go to IV leagues schools such as Harvard, or Cornell then stop reading this because you are already at the top of your game. Now for those of us looking at USC, UCLA, other UC's continue reading this.</p>

<p>My wife has a CC GPA of 3.67. I have a CC GPA of 3.4. Despite our age and life (medical) challenges we were turned down to UCLA and Berkley. My wife definitely qualified. So why didn't she get in? Who knows and who cares. Over 15,000 applications were submitted to UCLA this year. Do people really think that those accepted are the only elite? If you do you are kidding yourself. I know students that got into UCLA as CC transfers with a 3.2. Sometimes timing, or ethnic representation is part of the decision. Be supportive of your school but don't for a second think you are smarter and better then the rest of us. If you are a freshman out of high school I can see why you would want to go to UCSD, UCSB, and UCLA. They are all near the beach and a lot of clubs! Don't misunderstand me these are all good UC's and so is UCR. As a married couple we want the best education and opportunities available. UCR is a great choice. It has a very good Biology program. A solid Engineering program. Lots of financial aid. (Some of you don't appreciate not being in debt. Believe me when your married with kids not having student loans will be a BIG deal.) The cost of housing in Riverside is very good. Try buying a house under $500,000 by UCLA that isn't a small box. Riverside's housing market is very attractive for young couples.</p>

<p>I spent sometime living in Asia. I must say that my experience is Asians are serious students. Just watch the East continue to grow. We have a lot to learn from them here in the West. My wife was always at the top of her class at the community college. I guarantee there are very few students more capable at academics then she is and she is going to UCR. I know some that go to UCR that have 3.9 GPA's. UCR continues to spend big money on research. If you want to learn, then you can at UCR. If you want an extra challenge enroll in Honors courses. If you work hard, do research, and intern, you will have many opportunities at the end of college. You will learn more with a diverse student body then not. Remember, some people have life oppositions that affects there college GPA. For example: health care needs, international students, and financial challenges. The same students without these challenges would probably be straight "A" students.</p>

<p>Don't buy into the hype. UCR is a solid school. Just remember to spend your time learning. Before you know it you will be the boss of both UCLA, USC, and any other college graduates. Because in the real world 90% of the population didn't go to a top University. And we at UCR are in a "Tier One" University. </p>

<p>I say it's not UCR (rejected) it's UCR (Respected). Unless you are naive and ethnocentric, I suggest stop putting down one of the top Universities in the nation.</p>

<p>A lot of the people who put down the school are usually basing their view on outdated stereotypes.</p>

<p>That is so true, UC Riverside is truly what you make of it. If you take advantage of all the opportunities it has to deliver, you will truly be successful and enriched with knowledge. I decided not to listen to all my classmates and peer that told me not to go there because it was dry, boring, and not a good school. But honestly, what did they know? Did they go to Riverside? I actually talked to someone who went to UCR before I made the decision and he thought I had so much more potential to grow there and he was right. ANY college no matter how prestigious or not it is, it truly is what you make out of it. I've seen people go to this school and think it was going to be so easy to get passing grades, but I've seen people get on Academic Probation because they took UCR classes lightly. Hard work ANYWHERE will go a long way. Visit the school, try the HOST program, it's a great way to find out if this school is really for you.</p>

<p>der4: One of the best posts I have read in my time on this forum.</p>

<p>On a relevant note, my brother was accepted by UCR this morning!</p>

<p>good read! haha i just got accepted to UCR a couple of hours ago. I wasn’t too excited at first because all i cared about is UCI, UCSD, and UCLA and the fact that i only live 10 minutes away from UCR and my parents won’t let me dorm if i go to UCR. but after reading this, i’m excited that i got into UCR because my stats are pretty low.</p>

<p>This should be featured!</p>

<p>I haven’t gotten any info from UCR</p>

<p>no letters or anything notifying me anything</p>

<p>I want to know!</p>

<p>UCR is a very good school</p>

<p>And by no means is a “reject” school</p>

<p>Good message</p>

<p>1) UCR is definitely not the UCReject anymore, many of my friends got accepted to UCSD and UCLA but still choose UCR for it’s unique benefits: much better faculty to student ratio, don’t have to compete with thousands of top candidates in the country, got UC regents scholarship and UCR chancellor’s scholarship, more research opporunities, etc.
2) UCR is defintely as good as any other UCs, and definitely not the worst UC! Simply by ranking, UCR is already better than UC Merced and some areas are much better than UC Santa Curuz (e.g. Engineering).
3) It’s not fair to compare UCR’s facilities with other UCs, since those other UCs have much longer history and much more money in terms of research and faculties. If you rate all engineering schools with UCR’s size, I bet UCR is No.1 among all of them.
4) UCR’s campus is definitely one of the fastest growing campus in the nation, medical school, material science and engineering building are all coming up (even under financial crisis like today)</p>

<p>UCR = UC Respected!</p>

<p>After reading this passage, I cant wait til school starts!
I was considering whether I should go to UCSC or UCR (it is much closer to my current address than UCSC).
Now I made my decision - UCR! xDDD</p>

<p>WOW, now i really have to reconsider riverside…
i was set on UCI up till now.
Well said der!</p>

<p>“I say it’s not UCR (rejected) it’s UCR (Respected).”
I love that line! very nice! As incoming freshmen will learn, UCR is not all the negative things they hear in high school. Its am amazing campus with lots of opportunities both in the academic and social aspects.</p>

<p>If anyone is interested, here are the rankings from 2009 US News and World Report:
Ranking among all private and public universities:
UCR = 89th
UCSC = 96th</p>

<p>Ranking among public universities only:
UCR = 40th
UCSC = 45th</p>

<p>UCR is going up in rank every year!</p>

<p>If you guys go to the UCR website and click About UCR, they have a nice page dedicated to rankings.</p>

<p>Yeah. UCR = UC Respected</p>

<p>I allowed my kids applied to UCR but not to: UCSB and UCSC</p>

you -allowed- your kids to apply places? why not places they personally wanted… [not saying they didnt want ucr because i just SIR’d ucr haha and actually rejected sb]</p>

<p>If only people would only stop seeing UCR as a school that’s only easy to get into. Most of my friends who got rejected from the “better” UCs (i.e. UCSD, UCLA) told me they would rather go to a Cal State or a community college than UC Riverside, mainly because of what they hear of the stupid rumors people say about UCR being UCRejected and stuff like that. It’s, in my opinion, completely stupid to pre-judge a school based off its ranking and what bad rumors people pass around about it. </p>

<p>A standing ovation for der4 as well as many other people who believe AND know that UCR is as great a school as UCLA and UCB. According a teacher from my high school, she told my class that she went to UCLA, but said that UCR has the best medical school out of all the UCs. That says something, at least.</p>

<p>Great topic/post. If only more people would read this and understand that UCR is just as prominent as the other higher UCs. (: UC Riverside was just made later than the older UCs, therefore its admittance rate is a little higher than the other UCs have. (I think that’s why the admittance rate is high o__o; I could be wrong) No difference right?</p>

<p>I actually got accepted to both UCI and UCR, but the UCR/UCLA Thomas Haider Program was too good to pass up. UCI may seem to be the “better” school in general, but I think the right major/program is a very significant factor to consider. Along with the Thomas Haider Program, they also have B.S + M.S Five year programs which can save you time and money.</p>

<p>Very great post IMO top 4 i have ever read. my teacher told me lots of stuff about it. im doing premed and she said that internship, volunteering, and research oppurtunities will be plentiful. she also said what good will Cal do you if you cant have that traditional student-teacher relationship you can have a UCR which will lead to great LOR. and last reason is obviously grades it is easier than other UC’s but not a walk in the park either.</p>

<p>The best post i have ever read, EVER! For me it is UCR Class of 2014, and for those who is in CNAS, i’ll see ya there :P</p>

<p>I’m still having issues between UCR and UCSC. I personally love engineering, Astronomy, and Physics. I have my idea set on either Astrophysics or Aeronautical Engineering. Which school would be the best decision guys?</p>