UCR (pre-business) vs ASU (Marketing at Barrett’s Honors college)

I recently got accepted into UCR as well as Barrett’s Honors College. I know UCR probably has a better overall reputations especially with it being a UC and ASU having an “everyone gets in” reputation, however, with ASU offering me admission to an Honors College I was torn on which college will offer me better opportunities and will take me further in life.



  • in-state tuition
  • good college campus and good food
  • might have a few friends
  • decent academics


  • pre business for first 2 years then I have to complete a second application to get into Business Administration BS
  • not ranked as high for business courses
  • no financial aid

ASU Barretts


  • ranked higher for business
  • honors college perks like better dorm, separate dining hall, etc
  • nice campus


  • “everyone gets in” no prestige
  • no one I know for now
  • out of state tuition

I want to know which one will provide me better opportunities for the future in terms of career and pursuing a masters.

Hmmm- UCR doesn’t have a better reputation. It has a solid one as does ASU.

Rank doesn’t really matter - unless you want to do Supply Chain - then ASU is the equivalent of Harvard.

Guess what - you need to choose the school you feel most comfortable at. ASU is the most prestigious Honors College in the country - since you like prestige.

But this isn’t about prestige.

Both are fine schools -one not any better or worse than the other.

The only thing you wrote that’s accurate is about in state tuition vs. out of state tuition. And better food - not sure if true - but you wrote it.

The rest that you wrote is - inaccurate nonsense.


I’d choose ASU but I’m not you - choose what is best for you.

Barrett Honors College is enormously prestigious, it’s a top 5 honors college nationally.
Frankly it’s the first time ever I’ve seen someone think UCR is more prestigious than Barrett.
Pre-Business is also an issue as with all “pre-majors” - what’s your Plan B if you don’t get into Business Administration?
BTW for marketing you really want a minor in statistics or data science.
UCR however should be less expensive; marketing is not as well-paid as other business majors, especially supply chain as ASU (which is basically a golden ticket, top program for a highly in-demand major that is also super interesting). So it’s a trade off in terms of ROI, especially if you can get into an more marketable major at UCR (or if you can switch at ASU ← check).
Are both affordable for your parents (without parental loans)?


UCR is definitely not more prestigious than ASU, and Barrett is ASU on steroids.

Academic/teaching quality (and to some extent, reputation) are largely independent of selectivity when we consider state flagships.

I would have to take out loans regardless, however, I was informed some time ago that ASU does WUE, meaning they give in-state prices to CA residents, so I’m planning to go for that.

Thank you for the information, btw. Do you have any advice on how to change majors at ASU, or do you know if it’s easy to switch majors at ASU if I wanted to switch into SCM?

ASU offers merit - but I don’t believe is a part of WUE (which is not automatic btw).

It’s downtown, Polytechnic, and West campus qualify but not the main campus. Didn’t you get merit?

You can still apply to U of A - btw - if you have a 3.9 unweighted or above, you’d get great merit.

As for changing majors at ASU, it wil depend on the major.

Here’s info:

Change Majors | W. P. Carey Undergraduate Students (asu.edu)

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They are both fine.

I have the same question as @tsbna44 . Didn’t you already receive some merit from ASU?

And how much in loans would you need to take out for these colleges?

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Are you talking about the federal loans (5.5K for freshman year) or are you talking about parental loans?

If you got into Barrett, you must have received a merit scholarship.
WUE isn’t available for main campus and would replace any merit you received.
If you look at your financial aid award and compute things like this:
(tuition, fees, room, board) - (grant, scholarship) =
what’s your result for ASU Barrett? For UCR?
Any other acceptance?

Well, I’m on an H4 visa, so I don’t receive merit the same way… In fact, I might actually have to pay international fees for both colleges despite being a US Resident for 10+ years…

Contact the International student office at both universities and ask them how they handle H4 visas wrt tuition and WUE.
If WUE is available then it may make ASU a good choice, especially if you wouldn’t pay instate costs at UCR (since UCs are incredibly expensive OOS/intl).
Some private colleges are still accepting applications and don’t distinguish between international and domestic for fees, but I’m not sure they’d be within budget. How affordable are these two options?

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Most private schools are a bit pricier so I don’t think I’ll be applying there… ASU might be able to offer some scholarships and stuff so we’re looking into some options, but overall I’m looking to see how I can decrease cost of fees at ASU

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