UCs and some privates!!!

<p>What are the chances of getting into these with the following majors:</p>

<p>Berkeley-Biochem & Molecular Bio
Irvine-Biomedical Engr: Premed<br>
Los Angeles-Biochemistry<br>
San Diego-Biochemistry/Chemistry<br>
University of the Pacific (accelerated Pre-Pharmacy)
USC (Chemistry)
Dartmouth??Yale??Cornell U (Chemistry)??</p>

<p>EC: involved in
Key Club 4 years
Concert Band for 3 years
1 year of Marching Band.
Formosa (Taiwanese Club): joined this new club this year and currently is officer
Young Republican: 2 years, became activity coordinator this year
House of Representative: this year
400+ hours of service</p>

GPA(unweight): 3.93
weighted: 4.26
ELC Student
SAT Reasoning: 1700(first time), 1980(second time), 2020(third time), SHOULD I TAKE IT FOURTH TIME??
SAT Subject:
Chemistry: 780
AP: 5s on Chem. and Calc AB
4s on Human Geography and US History</p>

<p>Taking 4 other AP classes currently</p>

Asian, came to US for only 4 and a half years, started as 8th grader</p>

<p>woah you were right
VERY similar to mine :P</p>

<p>davis + irvine= in (elc)
nice ap scores
good amount of hours, should help
the only thing i can see as a problem for la, uop, b, usc, cornell =low sat
if possible, take it again.</p>

<p>for uop, when a rep came to my school, i talked to him about my chances of getting in… showed him my transcript and all. he said that my 32 on the ACT = (2140 for sat) was lower than what the people in the pre-pharm program generally have, so maybe retake it</p>

<p>What is University of Pacific’s national ranking? Cause my friend said it’s “a crappy schoo”…I am applying only because it sent me something called “distinctive candidate”.</p>

<p>*Forgive me if i am ignorant of anything</p>

<p>the schoool isnt too prestigious, but the accelerated programs are pretty competitive.
yea alot of people got distinctive candidate, not sure what to expect for admission</p>

<p>I see, but what are the “accelerated programs”?? And when are the SAT scores supposed to be sent to UOP? Do you send in IIs or just Is? I don’t think it says in the app…</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>i already sent in my sat scores, not sure when theyre supposed to be sent though
accelerated programs are programs that allow you to finish schooling in a short period of time
for example
in uop there are different choices for accelerated pre-pharm: 5,6, and 7 years
you would be able to get your pharm d in 5 6 7 years, rather than 8 for undergrad then grad</p>

<p>Similar to me
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/817453-ok-ill-bite-uc-chances.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/817453-ok-ill-bite-uc-chances.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>and you are also majoring in what I plan on going into.</p>

<p>You’re in for Davis and Irvine no question.
UCSD- Probably Match
UCLA-High Match
UCB-High Match/Low Reach</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>How about the ivies?</p>

<p>We’re so similiar!</p>

<p>Berkeley-low reach
Los Angeles-unpredictable
San Diego-match
University of the Pacific (accelerated Pre-Pharmacy)-possible
USC (Chemistry)-match
Dartmouth-mid reach
Yale-high reach
Cornell-mid reach</p>

<p>Good luck!
Thanks for chancing me =]</p>