UCs Business/Econ

So which of the following should I choose to either transfer to UCLA as a business econ major or to get in a good grad business school (like Haas or better)? And which would be better to do, transfer to UCLA as a business econ major THEN go to business grad school or to just finish my education at one of these UCs then apply to grad school? UCLA has more prestige and more difficult courses but I don’t know if that means the quality of the education is better. Please help.
UC Davis: Economics
UC Irvine: Business Economics
UC Santa Cruz: Business Management Economics
UC Santa Barbara: Pre-Economics and Accounting

What do you want to do with a business degree/MBA? Finance, marketing, accounting, product management (and at a STEM or non-STEM company), or something else entirely?

@autumnal I honestly am not sure at this point I just want to make sure I am heading in the right direction to make sure I can do whatever I decide that I want to do in business

UC Irvine has an undergraduate business school. The good graduate programs you mentioned (Haas, etc. and most of the top 25 to 30 programs) require at least a couple of years work experience before you can be apply. You also need to do well in your grades and in the GMAT to gain admission. UCLA’s undergraduate business econ is the most prestigious of the schools you mentioned above. Many who do well there get good jobs and subsequently apply to a top MBA program after a couple of years working.

Not looking into purely Business Admin at Haas for your undergrad?

Did you get into all of them?

If not - give that a try then weigh your options.

@NCalRent yes I got into them all that’s why I posted this…

Well then - Congrats! You have many outstanding options open to you.

If you have the $, I’d suggest you go straight to one of the schools that accepted you. Since you intend to go on to grad school, get good grades and gain some interesting experiences. The will happen more naturally at the school you feel most comfortable. Honestly, any of them will give you a fine education so - throw a dart if it comes down to that.

For biz/econ, I’d give a slight nod to UCD, then UCI with UCSB a little further down and then UCSC. Though it is important to realize that they each offer a very different student experience but the quality of education is outstanding across the board.

Good luck.