UC's Chances

Hey, I’m an incoming senior and I am really worried for college applications.

Here are my stats and if anyone could tell me the chances of getting into any of these schools are.

Major: Computer Science

GPA Uncapped: 4.21
GPA Capped: 3.7
GPA Unweighted: 3.45 (I got a lot of B’s) (No C’s or lower)

Took 5 AP classes
Amazing EC’S

New SAT: 1370
Going to take SAT Bio M

Around top 15% of my class
Low Income

Intended major?

Your UC GPA will be an issue since 6 of the 9 campuses have an average UC GPA of 4.0+.
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%

UCSC/UCR/UCM are more realistic targets. Suggest you consider some Cal states depending upon major: SDSU,Cal Poly Pomona and SLO, CSU Fullerton, Long Beach, SJSU to name a few.

Take a look at the Freshman profiles that will be updated in August to better gauge your chances.

Best of luck