UC's for Engineering or CS? Please help chance me?

<p>Well my GPA has taken a dent from taking honors English though I wasn’t the best at it even though I was up for the challenge.</p>

<p>I’m a senior next year and these are a summary of my “academic stats”</p>

<p>I have a Academic 9-12th grade GPA of 3.38
Total UC: GPA of 3.5
And a Weighted GPA of 3.8</p>

<p>I currently have done Honors Chem(got a C though ), honors Bio with a B; I have received a B in Alg 3/4 (soph year);</p>

<p>For my Junior Year 2nd semester I got:
I have 7 classes +2 more(outside of school)
English= A
Bio AP= B
History A
Yearbook A
Newspaper A
Health=A? I’m pretty sure…Still didn’t get a grade from that.
I also received a B in a Principles of Engineering class I did at a Jr. College</p>

<p>I did have English AP 1st semester but I had a C then my English teacher said it would be in my benefit to switch to the normal class and pull off the A since he said my Academic GPA was taking a hit.</p>

<p>I have 4 years of Spanish done as well
I also have “all the sciences” completed (Bio/Chem/AP Bio/Physics)…</p>

<p>Next year I’m taking:
AP Calc
AP Gov/Econ
AP Studio Art
CP English
Marching Band
Another Econ Class(MicroEcon) at Jr.College</p>

<p>Currently this summer I’m taking a Computer Science Class at the Jr. College and taking an Economics class.</p>

<p>My GPA should be getting higher now that I’m not taking classes that may leave a huge dent without any benefit</p>

<p>For leadership ops:</p>

<p>I’ve done band for 4 years, I have a leadership position in that; well band teacher gave me 2 for my senior year: Clarinet Section Leader, and Horn Sergent (I do visual for the whole wind-lineup of) </p>

<p>For our award winning yearbook I’ve been in it for 3 years, I’m was an assistant photo Editor last year</p>

<p>The Senior photo ed. next year…</p>

<p>I’m the photo ed. for the paper last year, and this coming year.</p>

<p>I also have done 4 years of a “run the city council for a day” program with the city which I reside in.</p>

<p>I do music tutoring as a part time hobby/job(for those that need help)…</p>

<p>I take pictures for my temple, volunteer at the temple, and hospital (when I have time), and the school library.</p>

<p>I also help out with any coaches that need photo’s taken for their team and or any teachers at school events.</p>

<p>I also have helped the less fortunate by finding computers to be donated then delivering and setting them up for the less fortunate in Mexico, and helped an Orphanage in Sri Lanka, and Tsunami Victims there.</p>

<p>I did my SAT’s recently without any prep:
And got a 1600</p>

<p>I should be able to get a 1900 with some prep with the 3 textbooks I have at home now.</p>

<p>I will be for next year doing a Northrup Grumman Internship for 2nd Semester.</p>

<p>And I wanted to apply to College for Engineering as my discipline</p>

<p>Do I have a chance for UCSB; UCSD; UCR; And especially where I want to go UCI?</p>

<p>Which field should I apply for?
CS- (I’ve heard its the easiest)?
Mechanical? Computer Engineering? Or AeroSpace?</p>

<p>Help? me? on my chances at UC's?</p>

UCR: Match</p>

<p>If you can raise your SAT score 300 points from 1600 to 1900 (which would be an incredible accomplishment) as you say you can, ask for chances again.</p>

UCR : match</p>

<p>try to bring up your sat scores and UCI/UCSB might be closer to a match.</p>

<p>I probably can..I began to study up on this thing people call Engrish..its just long passage readings are > me.</p>