UC's in General, but mainly UCSC vs UCR

I am applying so far to UCLA, UCI and UC Santa Barbara, but am thinking about either UCSC or UCR for a safer UC. I have a 3.8 UC GPA, 31 ACT, 11 APs and 4 honors and have a compelling insight story especially for my grade trend. I was just wondering about The pros and cons of the 5 UC’s above but mainly UCSC and UCR because I am pretty much going to apply to the other three. My questions and concerns are on:

Location/Weather - I live in Long Beach, CA for reference

Academics - Specifically their biological sciences department

Party/Social Scene - want to party but not a party crazy person, also want to study well

Campus/Dorm Quality

Types of People

Will I get a good education?

Thank you to anyone who responds because this is really helpful for my college decisions! Lot of love for everyone helping out kids like me on this site!

You will get a good education at all the UC’s including UC Merced, Riverside and Santa Cruz.

Weather: Riverside is inland so you will have hot weather in the summer and mild temperatures in the winter. Nothing too different than any inland suburb in Southern California.

Santa Cruz is near the Northern California coast and has a lush forest-like campus. Summer temperatures are mild and cooler than inland campuses. Winters can be cold and wet. Due to being near the coast, you can have the foggy/gloomy mornings which are similar to the Long Beach area.

Academics: Both campuses have a comprehensive Biological sciences program.

I suggest you look over the curriculum for each school below:



Social scene: You can find a party at any school and the social scene will be up to you. If you live on campus, there are many options for students that want good social interaction but also want to be serious students. I would encourage you visit each campus, talk to students if possible to form your own opinion.

Dorms/Quality: Plenty of websites such as Reddit and Niche to get opinions on dorms. Again, once things settle down, I suggest you visit if possible.

Types of people: All UC’s have diverse student populations but you can look at the demographics each campus here:



Over the years there have many stereotypical ideas of the type of students that attend these campuses. The best way to find out if either campus is of interest is to do your research and visit.

As a parent whom visited all but one UC campus, I found something to like at every campus and found each unique but it is up to you to decide which would fit you best academically, socially and financially.

Personally, apply to both and see where you are accepted. No extra work for the UC application other than an extra $70 application fee.

I find this interesting because my mom, who does graduate admissions for a CSU, called Riverside an armpit area and though it was a good UC it is in the middle of nowhere and she dosen’t understand why I would apply, after PT school, being a science teacher at the high school level is my next highest choice and UCSC has a science education program?

Riverside is not in the most desirable area for many people, but the campus is nice and compact. The immediate area around the campus is fine, but like any city, there are areas that you would want to avoid. The university village across from campus has movie theaters and restaurants.
I personally have visited the UCR campus several times for Science conferences and never felt unsafe while on or near campus.

UC Santa Cruz campus is away from the main center of town, so you would need to take a bus or car to get to shopping and entertainment areas. UCSC sounds like it might be a better fit with your educational plan.

Like I stated above, I would apply widely but if your mother does not approve of UCR then it might not worth the application fee.

I know several of son’s friends that are currently and have attended UCR and all are safe and doing well.

Again, to each is own that is why visiting and forming your own opinion is important.

Thank you so much!

with a 3.8, I think UCR and UCM will be your only real shots as far a UCs,

Apply to all of the UCs that interest you but, with all of the gap year, deferrals and the test optional status it is going to be a competitive and unpredictable admission cycle - so, please cast a broad net. Include a couple of CSUs - SDSU and Chico offer solid academics and a more lively off campus experience than most of the CSUs.

Good luck.

Thank you!, I have a 31 ACT for the UC’s and SDSU is on my college list. I have decided to apply to UCSC, and have reach schools of UCSB and UCI just to see if my really good PIQs will get me in (been working on them for months now), and decided to apply to UCLA just because that is where my parents went and why not? I know it’s a long shot. For the CSU’s I am applying to CPSLO, SDSU and CSULB, with Csulb being my local school. Do you think UCSC would be a match?

2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCSC: 72%

**2020 UC capped weighted GPA averages along with 25th-75th percentile range: **
UCSC: 3.94 (3.71-4.16)

25th - 75th percentiles for ACT composite + language arts
UCSC: 24-32

Thank you so much, now I have my final college list!

Big reach: UCLA



Safety: CSULB

I would apply to at least 10 schools since both the CSU’s and UC’s are going to be unpredictable with the current virus situation, students deferring and taking Gap years.

You should have more target and safety schools vs reach schools for a balanced list.

Add another safety and 2 more target schools. Just a suggestion

which schools would you suggest? i would apply to UCR but my mom doesn’t think it is a good option worth paying 70 dollars. any help would be nice, would prefer schools with a nice social scene with good academics

You are a California resident so your costs would be tuition/room/board around $35K/year for UCR and the rest of the UC’s. If you are eligible for Federal aid and Cal grant, then those costs would be much lower.

Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, Chico State, San Francisco State, Sonoma State, Sacramento State, Cal state Northridge, San Jose State to name a few safety and target schools.

What is your Mom willing to pay/year?

Chapman and Occidental may be options but run the Net price calculators for these private schools. Since you do have a compelling reason for some low grades, a more holistic school application review might be a benefit.

Any info you have about Chico or CPP? I am trying to get my mom around to UCR

What kind of info do you want about CPP or Chico?

I am a CPP grad (many years ago). Since CPP is a Polytechnic, it is STEM focused and has a respected Kinesiology program.


I am local to CPP, so I did not live on campus, but know several students that did then and now (except this year due to Covid) which have been happy with their overall experience. Like most CSU’s, CPP is a commuter school but if living on campus, I am sure you will find like minded students.

I would tag @NCalRent whom had a son that graduated from Chico state if you want more information.

Yes please!, I don’t know much about it, but I have heard good things, but also really bad reviews, so it is a huge question mark. Thank you so much!

My mom tends to think that if LBSU is guaranteed I might as well stay at home at not apply elsewhere, i tend to disagree…

Unfortunately if Mom is paying for college, she does get a voice in your choices and you need her cooperation. PT school or Graduate school will be expensive so I see her point since CSULB has a very good Kinesiology/Pre-PT program. I also see your point of wanting to try something different. Both my son’s were given a decent college budget, both went away to college (although still in-state) and both graduated without any Undergrad college debt.

Remember where you go for Undergrad will not define you, it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful. PT/Graduate school will give you another opportunity to spread your wings so to speak so 4 years at home might not be so bad.

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Thank you for the advice

CSULB’s local area is described at https://www.csulb.edu/admissions/local-preference-admission-consideration , but it does not say how strong the local preference is (nor does CSULB give much detail of historical admission thresholds by major, local area, etc. like some other CSUs such as SJSU and CSUN.

I was able to find this link which allows you to view the GPA of admitted students at CSULB. You can filter for Local vs. non-local applicants, by college and major. Most recent data is 2019. I have posted this link for @SDSUHopefulClassof2025 on another discussion.
