UC's with better pre med programs?

<p>Which UC’s have better pre med programs?</p>

<p>In terms of pre med I guess I am referring to opportunities for undergrad research, academic advising on campus, facilities, classes, any schools that carry more prestige when applying for med school, etc or any other factors you can offer!
Please respond, it would greatly help me in making my college decisions. Thanks!</p>


<p>for premed : UC Davis, UCI, UCSD
but who does premed rankings anyway ? ;)</p>

<p>Well I guess I was just kind of curious because I am seriously considering going onto a premed track. And I would think it's more beneficial to be in a better premed program to be more prepared for med school... more research opportunities, resources, etc. From what I hear, Cal's premed program isn't very good bc of its lack of a grad med school and too much competition...</p>

<p>But thanks for your responses.</p>

<p>I suggest you go over and read the premed forum on this site. Once you have done some reading ask some questions there.</p>

<p>research opportunities exist on every campus. But research opportunities for YOU depends on where you are in the student pecking order, since Regent's scholars get first crack (and all the attention). If you are a spring admit to Cal, premed will be a tough road to hoe on that campus. Better to go with a mid-tier campus, where you have a better chance to stand out.</p>

<p>You'll want a midtier: UCSD, UCD, UCI</p>

<p>UCSD is an upper-tier UC.</p>

<p>I wouldn't call it upper-tier, actually. It's sort of in its own tier. Not as high as in stats as UCLA or UCB, but above UCD, UCI, etc.</p>

<p>Nonetheless, I think there is a difference between UCSD/D/I for pre-med and UCB/LA for pre-med.</p>

You'll want a midtier: UCSD, UCD, UCI


It's sort of in its own tier. Not as high as in stats as UCLA or UCB, but above UCD, UCI, etc.


<p>You first call it a midtier UC and then change your mind to say it's in a tier of its own. Make up your mind.</p>

<p>To OP,</p>

<p>The best UC for premed is one where you can get the highest GPA while balancing out your extracurricular activities. It's slightly harder to get a high GPA at more high-ranked schools, but the prestige definitely helps in getting your foot in the door for an interview. Most top 20 med schools interview very few applicants from public schools. These applicants usually hail from Cal, UCLA, UMich, UVA, and UNC.</p>

<p>For purposes of the thread, tastybeef, it's irrelevant. I simply didn't see the need to express that technicality, though apparently you did. In terms of med school admissions, UCSD is a mid-tier UC ("prestige factor", etc.).</p>

<p>actually ucsd med school is very amazing from what i hear.</p>

<p>We were talking about undergrad. :P</p>

<p>But yes, their med school is great.</p>

<p>yes sorry for the mistake but who the heck ranks premeds ? </p>

<p>all med schools probably care about are GPA and mcat, u basically get the same level of education anywhere.</p>

<p>If i had to pick i would pick UCD or UCI since its basically nearly impossible to get a high GPA at berk. </p>

<p>this goes for grad school as well. </p>

<p>All THIS IS MY OPINION so don't criticize me for my thoughts...</p>

<p>Again,amby, im really not trying to RANK premeds...I'm simply asking which schools would be more beneficial for me to attend as one who is seeking a premed track. But thank you guys for your input. Now I can attend UCI with confidence in the school and my potential benefit from the program. </p>

<p>And to collegemom, I have been to the med forums but felt that it would probably be more helpful if I posted in the UC general forum because these are students who are experienced with the UC system. </p>

<p>Thanks to all. :)</p>

<p>It's interesting how new most of these med schools are:
UCSF (founded 1873, the oldest one)
UCLA (founded 1951)
UCI (1965)
UCD (1966)
UCSD (1968)</p>

<p>maybe UCSD School of Medicine loses some of the "prestige" because its the newest one (I'm not saying it does though)</p>

<p>oh and btw...I just checked UCSD School of Medicine's wikipedia page and I found some false information (it said there are 7 nobel laureates from UCSD Med, there are actually 2 or arguably only 1) this is the second time I have seen false information on UCSD's wikipedia page. If the person who wrote that garbage is reading this, UCSD is a great school and you dont need to lie about things to make it seem better.</p>

<p>Newest doesnt necessarily imply worst. UCSD is younger than UCR. Would you say Riverside is more prestigious than SD? </p>

<p>And as for the wikipedia page, it clearly says "The School is home to two Nobel laureates in Medicine, equal to UCLA (1), and Stanford (1) combined."</p>

<p>University</a> of California at San Diego School of Medicine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>

<p>Yeah, because spellingbead fixed it</p>

<p>if you look at the history, someone changed it yesterday</p>

<p>yes sndebrosse is right mercurial, I did change it yesterday, and I'm sick of changing things on the UCSD wikipedia page. Previously the UCSD page has also said that it was founded in 1955, which is also not true. Seriously whoever wrote the wikipedia page for UCSD is very uninformed.</p>