UCSB Chances, Please

<p>GPA: 3.9 U 4.0 W (I think)
SAT: 510- math, 620 writing, 590-reading
Extra-curriculars: Internships at video production firm, volunteering at Boys and Girls Club
Sports: Water Polo, swimming
Awards: Santa Cruz Film Festival finalist, honor roll, state science fair
Ethnicity: White, 1/4 black</p>

<p>What are my chances?</p>

<p>UCSB is one of the few UC’s that weighs academics equally with extracurriculars. So, you seem in pretty good shape. Only thing is your SAT scores are at the low end of their averages, it may help to take that one more time.</p>

<p>Well, the funny thing is, those are basically my PSAT scores that I took when I was a sophomore. In fact, I still have not taken the SATs because I am just a junior. I will be taking them in the beginning of January, then again in the start of June, and then once more my senior year.</p>