@ananguiano thank you! I’ll take all the good vibes I can get! Congrats to you!!
@UCMtoUCSBHopeful I am so so happy for you!!! I know you really wanted this. Congratulations!
I got accepted right at 3 guys!
Here’s my stats:
Major: Psychology
Gpa: 3.33
IGETC: done
Major prep: Almost done, completing research methods and behavioral stats in spring 2016.
EC’s: Working full-time, volunteered on research project in Honduras.
Accepted: UCSB
Major: Sociology
Major GPA: 4.0
UC GPA: 3.6??
Prereqs: Completed Fall 2015
IGETC: Completed Fall 2015
TAG: Yes
Admitted: UCSB
Congrats to everyone =D> and if you haven’t heard back yet just remember admissions are rolling through May 1st!
Major: Mathematics
GPA: 4.0 (one semester worth, one year transfer due to 37 credits worth of AP)
TAG: no
Pre-reqs: two comp sci classes left
IGETC: yes
I got 5’s on my on my AP Calc tests. I used that to satisfy Calc 1 & 2. Any insight as to why I didn’t get it? Could it be those two comp sci classes left?
my essay’s and extracurriculars should of been good enough to get me in.
@calivalleyyy were you rejected or does it just say decision pending?
@SDSU84 I actually do live at Blvd hahaha and yeah I applied to a lot of schools actually. So far I’ve only heard back from UMich and UCSB, accepted to both! And i’ll cross my fingers for you!!
Calivalleyy same with me, i got rejected and i had a 4.0 with 45 AP credits and all Pre reqs completed as Economics major ;(
@futureeechick sorry, should’ve said rejected. I was not admitted and I cannot understand why.
@kevinl1997 I feel better knowing I’m not the only one. Should we appeal?
Congrats to those who got accepted.
3.61 without tag, econ&accounting haven’t heard back yet
@calivalleyyy I’m surprised you didn’t get in have you applied elsewhere?
@calivalleyyy Im considering, my top choice right now is UCSD so i think ill wait on that first but if UCSB is your top choice defintiyl appeal
@futureeechick I did apply to other UC’s. However now I am worried, and wondering if there is something wrong with my application.
@calivalleyyy yea same, my only consolation is that I did get into UCR so at least there is a back up
@calivalleyyy well I hope that it’s just a fluke and you get in elsewhere!
UC gpa: 3.7
Major gpa: 4.0
All pre-req done
Igetc done
Tag: uci
Accepted: ucsb
Pending: ucsc, uci
Major: Econ and Acc
I could be wrong but I think only 14 semester units can be taken pass no pass which AP may fall under
@screenname34 Can you post a link from where you got that information?