@LtJuice I think if you email them and explain the situation they let you off the hook
@LtJuice I read a post about someone in the same situation and i think they had a committee decide on it but most of the time they decide that it’s fine, especially if you have a 2.9 that’s super close to 3.0 lol
@biochembbs9 Biopsychology here, haven’t heard back yet
I read that freshman’s have to have. 3.0 and transfers a 2.6 so idk why it is saying 3.0. Is it specifically because I’m off the waitlist?
@LtJuice Mind me asking if you have an expected graduation date? Congrats on getting accepted btw.
they denied my appeal because they said they reached the enrollment limit… but heres everybody getting accepted
any other admits that still cant access the housing contract? and have any idea of when we will be able to?
@dbxstian They denied your appeal but you still on waitlist right? Is enrollment limit for your major or for the room space?
@dbxstian What major did you declare?
@lii0909 @College4Fun I applied for ME… I know every college of engineering is competitive, but UCSB usually has a low yield rate. So I expected more spots to be available. I’m assuming they meant my specific major was full and not overall
Just emailed the engineering department. They told me as well that ME was full for Fall 18. I’m still a bit skeptical since their yield rate is below 15 percent :-/ but I guess its time to move on!
@LtJuice what was your original gpa when you applied?
@LtJuice what was your original gpa when you applied?
Still pending… 11 days remaining.
I am a pre-psychological & brain sciences major and have not heard anything! I am stressing out so bad.
@College4Fun does your application say pending? Because mine just says waitlist applicant. :-S
@transfer.waitlist2018 I think when you send in an appeal it says pending but if you’re just on the waitlist it only says waitlist applicant
@“transfer.waitlist2018” I’m a waitlist applicant. I meant to say my waitlist is still pending.
Still on the waitlist as well…
sent my appeal about one month ago. got an email from ucsb and ask me to send my spring grade toady.