Ucsb is not a party school

<p>Isla Vista (the place where most of the parties go down) is SEPARATE from UCSB. While it is close by, you must remember that only you can make yourself go there. It’s not like it’s in the middle of campus. It’s a separate town in itself. And EVERY SCHOOL HAS A BIG PARTY SCENE! UCSB’s just seems larger because it’s all concentrated in IV and IV is very well known for its HUGE Halloween bash. But, if you’re not into that stuff-like me-you don’t need to worry about it. Just steer clear of IV at night. (and at other schools, you would have to steer clear of certain streets, frats, etc. so it’s not just UCSB).</p>

<p>I had to say this because many people look too far into this stereotype and miss out on applying/going to this great UC because they think there are too many parties.</p>

<p>I’m COMPLETELY straightedge and it’s still my number 2 choice (behind Stanford).</p>

<p>Just thought I would make this clear.</p>

<p>Have a nice day.

<p>thanks imgoing2college.</p>

<p>have you lived near there/ visited there? </p>

<p>i'm still not sure because i'm not into the party scene or people who are the ucsb stereotypes (snobby & stuck up party goers, you know?) even though I know that's not everyone at ucsb, but I'm thinking those kinds of people are the majority though, am I right?
(am also asian, so which school would have more asians? just wondering) </p>

<p>it is between here or cal poly slo for me... visited ucsb but not cal poly (too far).
education wise, I think either is okay for me (ucsb- pre biology, cal poly slo- animal science)
The factor that's making me divided between these 2 schools are the people and the environment.</p>

<p>You have to remember that ucsb is still academically hard to get into, so the people who are there partying are probably well rounded people who did well in high school and still like to party. That said, I think the people there will be alot less snobby, than people who go to schools JUST to party, like san diego state, arizona state, etc</p>

<p>genuinescence, while I haven't visited cal poly slo, I have a relative that goes there and she basically said that she was in "culture shock" because of the majority of the school being white (a little more than ucsb). I think the only difference between slo and sb environmentally is that slo is farther up north so not as nice/warm weather. Honestly, I think that all public universities have parties, sb just happens to have that reputation because they throw crazy halloween parties. It's not that bad really, I have friends who go there and one of them did not attend one single party during his freshman year. So yeah, the party scene isn't a huge issue.</p>

<p>@genuine: I live in SB and have been on UCSB's campus numerous times. My brother went to school there. The stuck up thing is more of a Santa Barbara stereotype than UCSB-since the cost of living in Santa Barbara is so high people assume everyone here is rich. I wouldn't say that the majority of the people in SB are stuck up, though there definitely are people who do fit into the stereotype. Honestly, though, I think most of them end up at SBCC, the community college. UCSB is a mid-tier UC and is somewhat difficult to get into. And I can compare it to Cal Poly SLO as one of my best friends went there two years ago and I visited him a lot---I didn't see that many asians. I would bet that UCSB has more, but you should check some demographics to know for sure.</p>

<p>UCSD has no party scene.</p>

<p>Isla Vista (the place where most of the parties go down) is SEPARATE from UCSB.</p>

<p>Yes, but almost all undergraduates who move off of campus move to Isla Vista. I agree with the rest of your post tho.</p>

<p>"Yes, but almost all undergraduates who move off of campus move to Isla Vista. I agree with the rest of your post tho. "</p>

<p>This is true, but if you want to avoid it you can def. live in Goleta.</p>

<p>It's possible, but I found that most people don't. The only real place in Goleta available for renters is in Elwood, but that's about 3 miles from campus and it can also be expensive. Most of the rest of the immediate Goleta area (Phelps/Pacific Oaks, Winchester Canyon, El Encanto Heights) is single family homes were students aren't really welcome. That's not to say that there aren't quiet areas in Isla Vista, because there definitely are.</p>

<p>Thanks imgoing2college. My parents are petrified of me attending UCSB for this very reason.</p>

<p>I see what your point is imgoing2college, but I think that the students who attend UCSB pretty much earned that reputation for the school. I really do like Santa Barbara and Goleta, I grew up there, and I've seen it change a lot over the years. People who go to school with me from the LA and OC areas always ask me where nice places to go in SB are, and I never recommend Isla Vista, because it just doesn't compare to other beautiful CLEAN stretches of beach in the area.</p>

<p>^What about the Pardall Streetscape project and other elements of the Isla Vista master plan? Don't you think that'll enhance the visual beauty of Isla Vista?</p>

<p>rc251- I googled that but I cant find any pictures of the changes that they're going to make with the Pardall Streetscape project.
This is what I think they should do:
This sign needs to go:
<a href="http://media.independent.com/img/photos/2008/03/20/isla_vista.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://media.independent.com/img/photos/2008/03/20/isla_vista.jpg&lt;/a>
Tear some of these houses/apartments down:
<a href="http://islavistaapartment.com/resources/_wsb_321x215_trigo2.JPG%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://islavistaapartment.com/resources/_wsb_321x215_trigo2.JPG&lt;/a>
They're old and in bad condition.
Clean up the beach:
<a href="http://www.uweb.ucsb.edu/%7Eedgardparra/images/UCSB%20Beach.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.uweb.ucsb.edu/~edgardparra/images/UCSB%20Beach.jpg&lt;/a>
The water is not supposed to look like that. Maybe do something about the oil rigs or investigate the source of the runoff that is polluting the ocean.</p>

<p>They have a picture of what they plan to accomplish with Pardall on page 3 of this PDF:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.countyofsb.org/ceo/rda//docs/masterplan/FEIR/FEIR_4.6%20Pardall.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.countyofsb.org/ceo/rda//docs/masterplan/FEIR/FEIR_4.6%20Pardall.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>As for the apartments, yeah, there are many that are kind of crummy looking. However, most of the new construction going on in Isla Vista is conforming to higher standards. For example, see the new 6552 Del Playa property that opened Fall 2008:</p>

<p>isla</a> vista, ca - Google Maps</p>

<p>Also the refurbished Coronado Apartments:</p>

<p>isla</a> vista, ca - Google Maps</p>

<p>As for the ocean, isn't it just natural tar seepage? I don't know if anything can be done about that.</p>

<p>Also, a lot of people kind of want to keep Isla Vista the way it is. It has a kind of special character geared towards undergrad students that very few places share. I wanted to live in IV precisely because it was one of a kind environment that I could only experience once. Would I want to live there now that I graduated and I am in the workforce? No? Would I want to live anywhere else as a college undergrad student though? Isla Vista is pretty hard to beat for that...</p>

<p>For example, I lived in Davis for 3 months (South Davis/Drew Ave), and there were A LOT of things I liked about Davis: it was really nice looking, easy access to supermarkets, good public transportation, all things that I think are still missing in Isla Vista. However, Davis just didn't have the tight feel that Isla Vista had. In Davis, students were spread out through North, South, East and West Davis. A lot of places closed down early and the town was quiet at night. The fact that many adults lived alongside students causes strife between those two communities. I completely agree that Isla Vista is a terrible place for adults to live, especially those raising a family. But for creating a social atmosphere between young students with plenty of free time, I think it's hard to beat.</p>

<p>I really like the simulation pictures. It looks A LOT nicer than the way that street looks now. Seems like kind of a European style. Do you honestly think the city will go through with that?</p>

<p>If it does, probably not for a long time. Right now, Pardall is undergoing a conversion that'll make the street, sidewalks, and lightposts look like they do in the simulation. However, new buildings is up to the property owners, so I doubt that'll happen until the current buildings become dilapidated enough (which actually might not take that long). The Isla Vista Foot Patrol moved from their building in Pardall, which is empty now, so that building might be torn down and built to the simulation standards. You can find a lot more simulation pictures throughout the Isla Vista Master Plan pdfs:</p>

<p><a href="https://www.countyofsb.org/ceo/RDA/ivmasterPlan.asp%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://www.countyofsb.org/ceo/RDA/ivmasterPlan.asp&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>except the construction has shut down mr pickles...upsetting. However, the owners i believe were seniors anyway...maybe someone else can pick up where they left off.</p>

<p>Theres a new sandwich shop at that same location its pretty good ive heard</p>