UCSB Math vs UCR Computer Science vs CSULB Computer Science

I’ve been accepted to UCSB for Math, UCR for Computer Science, and CSULB for Computer Science as a transfer.
In the instance I put in the same amount of effort and keep my work ethic, I’ve been wondering which schools would give me the greatest opportunity for getting internships and jobs in the tech field.

UCSB is an amazing place, but I would not be a computer science major, nor would I be able to double major in math and computer science as a transfer.

UCR is a reputable UC in engineering and I’ve been accepted with the major I want and love, but I’ve heard its in a sub-par location.

CSULB also accepted me with the major I prefer with an offer to pay for half of my tuition. This would greatly reduce the cost of attending university in comparison to attending a UC, and I would be able to continue my work as a professional math tutor at my local community college. However, I am a little skeptic of its academics in comparison to the aforementioned two schools.

I really need help in choosing between these schools given my circumstance. I’ve scoured the internet and asked for advice from my professors at my CC, but I decided I needed more input before I make my final decision.

Thanks in advance for your help and insight.

you don’t need CS degree to work in tech field. you can major in Math and take 5 0r 6 CS classes. you should be fine to find a programming job. If i were you,I pick UCSB Math. Having said that, less academic school’s CS courses are more down to earth.

Since UCSB’s CS major is filled to capacity, it is unlikely that a non-CS major will be able to get into upper division CS courses, so the idea of attending UCSB as a math major and taking CS courses may not work.

Better to attend a school where you can major in what you really want to major in.