Ucsb rmp 2021

Anyone applying for RMP this year?
Any past attendees care to share how their experience was?

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Hi! RMP was a fantastic experience. Although I attended when it was in-person, my friends from last year’s remote session said it was a highly immersive research experience. 10/10 recommend, although it is quite pricey––definitely try to apply for a scholarship.

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Hi! Did you get the results yet? I heard that the results come in 2-4 weeks after submission…

I sent my application in a few days ago lmao
Did you get your results?

I didn’t even turn in my application yet :joy:
Did you get your results?

Nope not yet - they said it would take around 4 weeks (3 more to go!)

I recently got accepted but have some questions about the price. The website says the tuition is $4,500 but I heard there are a lot of extra stuff you pay for. Not sure if this is real. Does anyone know? Any guidance would be appreciated!

Maybe @gaurapremanande could answer this?

Congrats! How long did they take to review your application?
Did u get an interview?

Hey @genius30 . Yes so I would estimate that after around 2-3 weeks of my submission they contacted me. In this email they asked me to set up an interview, so yes I got an interview. After the interview, they gave me a decision within a week (as they do with everyone else). If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

What questions did they ask you during the interview?

Honestly I thought it would be more laid back, but I guess this serves as a fair warning that they take the interview seriously. There were many questions (almost 10 I would say) and they were your standard application questions. It doesn’t sound bad, but I personally never like these types of questions. Examples they asked me include the “what setback have you faced and overcome,” “what you do in free time,” “why choose this program and not others,” “what makes you unique from other applicants,” and other questions. They also ask questions that pertain to the program if your accepted. Including like how willing are you to do research outside your desired field and how much guidance would you like during the research (which helps them with mentor placement I guess, not sure). Those were what I asked at least. The thing you should get out of this is you should probably prepare as it is definitely more serious and importan than what I anticipated.


Hi! Did you get a supplemental right after you submitted? I just submitted my application and it gave me a supplemental form on the portal. Do I have to do that before March 15, too? It didn’t give me a due date…

Yah everyone gets the supplemental. It is also due before March 15th I believe.

Ok, thank you.

Hey! Could someone please let me know how low acceptance rates go near the end of the deadline, since the program is on a rolling basis. Thanks!

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Could someone please post the 5 supplemental questions?

could you tell me how did on the interview? i did mine today, but i’m not very confident in my answers as Lina Kim was extremely intimidating.

Haha. I thought the same as first, but I thought Mrs. Kim was also very nice. I think I did ok. It was my first interview ever, but I thought I did well enough that the interview would not hurt my application and would only help. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being “I blew my chances”, and 10 being “there is absolutely no way they can’t accept me now,” I would give myself a 7.

i don’t think i completely blew my chances, but there were some questions she asked me that i wasn’t prepared for and could’ve answered a lot better. it was my first ever interview as well, but i felt i could’ve done even better, and i feel like she would reject me because of the fact that i could’ve done much better in comparison to other kids she may have interviewed :frowning: any thoughts to possibly reassure me? 7 is pretty high in that scale. i’m not sure if i would give myself that high of a number since i definitely stumbled on my words at parts.