UCSB vs Cal Poly SLO (Business)

<p>I got into both SB and SLO, business major for both
while ucsb only has a business econ major in the college of letters and science, (from what ive heard really an econ major with 1 finance class) SLO has a whole undergrad business school. I like econ but really feel like id be better at more of the marketing side of business and not so much the science side of econ. I have visited ucsb and stayed at a currents students house and its really fun, which makes me want to go there, but i cant stop thinking about the problem with the majors…what do you guys think i should do?</p>

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<p>Same scenario for me too. Visiting SLO tomorrow, and UCSB on Saturday.</p>

<p>I know UCSB will fufill your social wants but honestly the two majors are completely different. I wouldn’t pick a school that doesn’t have my major… and yes UCSB biz-econ is now just called economics and accounting.</p>


I did say that the Business Econ major only has one required finance course. That’s not to say that there aren’t a few finance-related electives (four to be exact, not including special topics courses). That being said, if you want a business major, UCSB simply doesn’t have what you’re looking for.</p>

<p>You should look over Cal Poly’s PDF of required courses for their Business major: [B.S&lt;/a&gt;. Business, major sheet for 2009-2011](<a href=“http://cob.calpoly.edu/advising/degrees/majors/BUS-0911.pdf]B.S”>http://cob.calpoly.edu/advising/degrees/majors/BUS-0911.pdf)
It does look quite a bit different from the Business Econ major that I’m taking right now. Just to toot UCSB’s horn a bit, Cal Poly’s College of Business doesn’t really seem to have the breadth of offerings that the UCSB Econ department does, at least at first glance.</p>

<p>Oh, and the new Econ and Accounting major is pretty different than Business Econ… it requires a pretty good chunk of accounting classes, intended to help people on the path toward getting a CPA certification. Its name is far less misleading and vague than Business Econ, too.</p>

<p>Cal Poly Business is the 2nd best public college in CA for business only second to Berkley. Their program is great, and the town of SLO is pretty sweet. It’s also a bit cheaper than the UCs and has smaller classes. I say go SLO.</p>

<p>If you want to major in undergrad business, you won’t get that at UCSB. That would make your decision pretty easy.</p>

<p>However, I think it might be smart to think about majoring in an Econ program with an emphasis in business instead. UCSB, in that case, would be the school to choose.</p>

<p>It is up to you. </p>

<p>@LSkaiWalk Are there rankings somewhere for that?</p>

<p>Yes. Here are the rankings:</p>

<p><a href=“http://bwnt.businessweek.com/bschools/undergraduate/10rankings/[/url]”>http://bwnt.businessweek.com/bschools/undergraduate/10rankings/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you major in business at SLO they will give you a more practical education and will hook you up with a great job right after graduation.</p>

<p>UCSB Bus Econ is almost entirely econ. You will learn a bunch of theoretical things. This will prepare you more for grad school, and you will get a good education, but you’ll get a better job out of SLO.</p>

<p>thanks a lot guys, a ton of great info here</p>

<p>i was up in sb this weekend and talked to a bunch of biz econ majors up there, many who had been in my exact situation, they alerted me to the existence of a certain program at ucsb called the technology management program ([Technology</a> Management Program, Santa Barbara](<a href=“http://www.tmp.ucsb.edu/]Technology”>http://www.tmp.ucsb.edu/)) which seems like a perfect fit for me. plus i had such a great time there, i cant say no, so it looks like ill be a gaucho ole ole! :D</p>

<p>Their both great schools. You can’t go wrong either way. That program looks really interesting, I wish I had known about it before I decided to not apply to UCSB haha. Anyways, best of luck with your decision to be a gaucho!</p>

<p>Definitely UCSB.
Like you say, you like ECON, and you’ll prolly do well. Besides, a degree from UCSB looks better than a degree from CP:SLO, at least in the eyes of employers.</p>

<p>You can always take additional finance classes to satisfy your general ed requirements.</p>

<p>@Mancini, wrong.</p>


<p>Not necessarily. UCSB has a very good reputation.</p>

<p>Cal Poly SLO with a business degree would definitely be better than UCSB with an econ degree with employers.</p>

<p>Employers love SLO because it’s hands on work training, and you can start your job fully day one. </p>

<p>On those rankings I posted above, SLO is like 60th in the nation. However, take a look at their recruiter survey. 11th in the nation! Companies are VERY happy with SLO grads and they are highly recruited.</p>

<p>Yeah, UCSB has a good reputation. But employers would almost definitely prefer the hands on technical training a Cal Poly student gets when it comes to getting a job, ESPECIALLY in a business major over an econ major.</p>