UCSB vs. UC Davis

Hey Guys!

I was just recently accepted into UC Davis as a biology major; however, I have already submitted my SIR to UCSB! I am in a huge predicament.

Does anyone have any personal advice on either of the schools? Based on the academics, social life, and student body, which school would you go to?


Have you visited both schools? Did you have a preference? I’m a UCSB alum and absolutely loved my time there (and living in a college town like Isla Vista was great!). I had friends at UCD and they also had a great experience. Feel free to message me if you have any specific questions. I’m sure you’ll be happy with either decision- 2 great choices!

I’ve visited both schools with my daughter and she liked them both. It’s not an easy decision to make. She is going to UCD…she was attracted to the down to earth and friendly environment there, the small town vibe and the safety factor. She heard that UCSB has more of a party school atmosphere and that is not as appealing to her. I think the Northern California area is more to her liking as well.

Good luck to you in your decision, both schools are wonderful in their own ways and I don’t think you can go wrong with either one.

Hey there! I recently transferred from UCSB to UC Davis. I didn’t get into UCD out of high school and decided to transfer to UCD when I had the opportunity to do so. UCSB was great! I loved the beach and the mountains, but I quickly got tired of the social scene down there. They don’t lie about the party scene, so if you’re into that kind of stuff, I’d say go for it. It just wasn’t for me, and I knew that I needed to get out of Isla Vista. I had a lot of friends drop out or transfer out, but that kind of stuff unfortunately happens in university. Transitioning from UCSB to Davis was difficult because I left a lot of the friends I had made in the dorms, but Davis fits my temperament a lot better. I feel more focused on school and on my career path. I’ll admit that it does get a little boring sometimes, unless you’re involved in a student org, etc. If you really want to have fun in Davis, you either have to spend money or leave. Nonetheless, I’m grateful to be here and to be part of this community. Definitely visit both campuses! I just thought I’d share my input as a former Gaucho gone Aggie.