<p>If it happens to come down to these two schools in March which should I chose? I have a hard time differing between the two. I’m a chemical engineering major and UCSB is one of the top in the nation for this major. But like a lot of college students they end up switching majors…</p>

<p>As for UCSB they only guarantee housing for 1 year while UC offers it for 2 years. Plus I’m not going to lie, the whole party atmosphere ordeal I hear about UCSB bothers me (if it is true). </p>

<p>Any thoughts or suggestions?</p>

<p>Have you visited both campuses? If so, where would you see yourself comfortable in that atmosphere for about 4-5 years?</p>

<p>That's another major problem. I haven't visited them. Maybe I can visit UCI over the weekend sometime but
as for UCSB i might have to wait for spring break....</p>

I'm a chemical engineering major and UCSB is one of the top in the nation for this major


<p>You're most likely getting that from graduate rankings. Generally, for undergraduate education, it really doesn't matter where you go to be educated well; it really depends how YOU perform and what you do outside of class. At least for physics and mathematics :p</p>

<p>As for the party atmosphere, I remember one UCSB almuni saying "if you want to find a party, you'll find it. But if you don't want to, you won't". This is quite true with UCI as well, except it doesn't have the party-school stereotype.</p>

<p>Hey Sheer,</p>

<p>You really should try to visit both campuses. They're both great schools, but have very different vibes, IMO. Also, you really should try to visit during the week, when classes are in session. Also, after acceptances are out, the campuses often have events for admitted students... those can provide good opportunities to check out specific schools/programs. Good luck!</p>

<p>I just know that UCI is very good for sciences as well so I wouldn't think the prestige would be a big difference since they are literally the same as far as rankings go. </p>

<p>You should definitely visit though. They are VERY different atmospheres and you can tell if you'll like one moreso by walking around and seeing the people and campus. When I visited UCI I felt like it was very neat, clean, and quiet. I really enjoy my campus (UCSD) since its spread out and hilly with random artsy monuments/modern architecture. It all depends when you visit the campus and see how it feels.</p>

<p>Yeah as previously stated their rankings are about the same.
I feel like UCI has a lot more to offer, medical school, business program, school of computer science, new law school.
It doesnt have its own private beach though (altough Newport beach is like 10 min. away)</p>

<p>It seems like my only chances of visiting is either during spring break or one of those admitted students weekends. </p>

<p>I have visited USC. Are any of the two schools's atmosphere's similar to one of these? Which school has more bike riders?</p>

<p>Neither UCSB nor UCI struck me as having a similar vibe to USC... USC struck me more as a West-Coast Ivy with a major sports infusion.</p>

<p>Bikes rule at SB. Really. It's the only place I know where the dedicated bike paths have right-of-way over pedestrian crossings.</p>

<p>People do bike at UCI, but bikes are (in theory) banned from Ring Road... and while the inner ring has clear pedestrian/bike lanes, it seems bikes have to weave around drifting pedestrians... maybe the circular layout makes the between-class distances short enough that bikes seem unnecessary.</p>