I’m currently deciding between UCSB and USC, both for Communications. I love both schools, and there’s a lot of pros and cons to each. Currently, I’m committed to USC but just got accepted off of the UCSB waitlist.


  • Isla Vista (Safer, prettier surroundings)
  • Beach!
  • Visited campus and really liked it
  • Has been my dream school for a few years
  • Might fit me better academically
  • Social scene seems like it would fit me better


  • Dorms aren’t as nice (I think)
  • Would lose deposit to USC
  • Not as good of an area for future career moves
  • May be too much of a party school for me?
  • Don’t know anyone else going
  • Slightly more expensive (This isn’t significant enough to be a dealbreaker)

USC Pros

  • Already committed (Found roommate too)
  • Better area for career path
  • Closer to home
  • Better alumni network
  • Private school
  • Already know people
  • Better sports
  • Super lucky to have gotten in! (I didn’t think I would at all)

USC Cons

  • Not what I had initially wanted
  • Less safe area
  • Didn’t get to visit
  • Don’t like the campus as much (From what I’ve seen)
  • Might not fit in as well socially
  • Could be too difficult academically

If anyone has any advice/insight please let me know! Anything would be greatly appreciated. I have to make my decision by May 1. Thank you!

@marleyklein Hi! I’m a UCSB alum who transferred to UCSB from USC after my freshman year. I went in as a Communications major also. USC had some really great professors and I loved the football games. I had also joined a sorority and made a few close friends- so I think everyone was surprised when I transferred. UCSB and USC are very different schools and I just fit in better at UCSB. I can’t speak to the dorms at UCSB, though the dorms at USC weren’t great either so I’m not sure how much I’d factor that in. A few key differences:

  1. UCSB is in a safe, walkable college town full of apartment living. Think outside bbq’s and hanging outside with friends. At USC you really had to find your “club” immediately because housing after freshman year was often dictated by it- so, you either join a fraternity/sorority, are an athlete, join the engineering house, etc.
  2. I found the students at UCSB to just be really nice, and down to earth. Very easy to make friends and there was always something fun going on (concerts in the park, game nights, studying at the beach, etc). At USC, I found it difficult to truly socialize with people outside of the sorority. There was far less hanging out— often it felt like my options were frat parties or studying. I also found the “University of Spoiled Children” to sometimes feel true
  3. UCSB felt very collaborative. Working with your peers was commonplace. Even the library at UCSB felt social. It was just a happy place!
  4. USC has the nod for location in Communications, but with LinkedIn and a strong UCSB alumni network, I’d say that’s changing also. One of my closest friends from UCSB that was a Communications major works for Facebook, another for Linked In, and another for NBC Universal.
  5. Financial aid. My freshman year financial aid package was much better than my package my sophomore year even though my parents financials were the same.
  6. UCSB school spirit was surprisingly very strong! Soccer and basketball games were super fun, and I didn’t miss the football sports culture as much as I thought I would. UCSB more than made up for it!
    Follow your gut! There’s no bad choice here. Congratulations!

@BayAreaRecruiter Thank you so much for your advice! Everything was really helpful. Glad to hear that you enjoyed your time at UCSB! That seems to be where I’m leaning towards. Thanks again!

Congratulation! Fantastic choices, you can’t go wrong with any of them!

@marleyklein What did you end up deciding? So interesting to see the pros and cons of both schools here…

@COmama24 I ended up choosing USC and I’m really glad I did! I think it’s a better academic fit for me overall. Definitely a tough choice though, as I’ve been in love with UCSB for a few years now. I think they’re both really great schools. :blush: