UCSC+Girlfriend vs. UCLA

<p>So i got into UCLA…SWEET!..but i have a girlfriend who i really…really like…(She might be the one, i want her to be -_-) and the only decent school she got into is UCSC…her parents are forcing her to go there…my parents told me its up to me…should i go to UCSC with her? or UCLA, she’s encouraging me to go to UCLA of course…and says we can make it work…LOL Double Tee Eff…what do i do…I like her…and UCSC is a good school too!</p>

nuff sed.</p>

<p>totally agree. ucla obviously.</p>

<p>You can always get a new girlfriend, but a new education... that's a lot harder.</p>

<p>Not that UcSC isn't a fine school, UCLA is a much better one. If she is 'the one,' you will be able to work it out. Don't let a girl get in the way of your education.</p>

<p>i had a friend who was in the exact same boat
she got into ucla, and her boyfriend was already going to washington</p>

<p>her 2 choices were washington and ucla, she ended up going to ucla, they've been going out for 3 years now and they still have a great relationship and visit each other regularly at least once a month</p>

<p>id say go to ucla, and just make the extra effort to be with your girl friend when you have the oppurtunity, thats what my friend did, and she didnt regret it</p>

<p>UCLA. Sometimes even if you think it will work it, it won't. I knew a lot of people that went to a "lower" college with their girlfriend over their dream college..got dumped and yea. Listen to Cali Trumpet and Stephen Dedalus.</p>

<p>DAYUM SON THAT"s TOUGH...howabout berkeley??</p>

<p>i agree with archileta.</p>

<p>there r a lot of couples who go to school in different countries and see each other only once a year and everything works fine =)</p>

<p>As some one who has made a like decision in the past to give up a golden opportunity, my advice to you is don't! Go to UCLA. If she is the right one, and she may be since she is encouraging you to do just that, it will work out in the end. If she's not, you'll find that out too. Four years goes by quickly.</p>

<p>If your girlfriend went to UC Riverside and you went to UCLA, that wouldn't be too bad if one of you had a car. UCSC is only slightly better than UC Riverside.</p>

<p>UCLA. You'll end up regretting it if you don't.</p>

<p>if your relationship is that great it will work with you being at ucla. although, like someone said before me, maybe berkeley instead? that is a lot closer to ucsc so it may be easier, and it's still a really good school.</p>


<p>Other people already said it, but (and this may sound harsh, but listen to it) your education is more important than your girlfriend. I don't want to speculate on your situation, but in MOST cases, it's best to leave high school relationships in high school. Because they are just that, high school relationships, they usually are not meant to endure long-term after the teenage years (nor do they, in almost all cases). Also, in my opinion, you kind of miss out on part of the college experience if you come into it romantically attached.</p>

<p>Again, this is a completely personal issue, so you need to decide for yourself what to do. But since you posted in a public forum, that's my opinion. UCLA is a far better school for most areas of study, and I say that as someone who lives in Santa Cruz (although UCSC's campus is amazing). Whatever your eventual choice, good luck to you.</p>


<p>you didn't work so hard during high school just to get into UCSC right?
UCLA all the way =)</p>

<p>UCLA for sure. don't waste it over a relationship. you don't even know yet. but right now, you cant' be sure of who you want to be with.</p>

<p>if you don't like her enough to sound like an immature naivete on this forum and say "i love her" instead of "really really like her", then cut your ***** off and store it in an icebox for four years and go to ucla.</p>

<p>UCLA: you can transfer and easily get into UCSC if you two find the distance to be unbearable, but it is unlikely you will ever get into UCLA twice.</p>

<p>UCLA .</p>