UCSC or UCSD Marine Biology?

I have been admitted into both schools as a freshmen undergraduate. I know UCSD is more prestigious than UCSC, but from what I’ve gathered, UCSC gives more research oppurtunities to undergrads and is still a top 100 school. I guess the big question is: If I plan on going to grad school, which school is the better choice to boost me into a great Grad school?

Both UCSD and UCSC have graduate schools. Scripps is ranked #2 in marine science behind Woods Hole. Both places are extremelly competitive to get into. Start research as a freshman, try and get all A’s, present at conferences, and contribute to research papers and get your name as a co-author. Contact potential advisors for graduate school at least a year out as students without NSF GRFP are hard to accept with little grant money going around.