UCSC Science Internship Program 2021

Hey guys, is anyone applying to the UCSC science internship program for this summer? I’ve got an application almost done but I doubt the worth of the program, so I’m not sure if I should submit (a 60 dollar fee!!). It’s a whopping 4k for a program not even in person.

I have another research opportunity lined up for the summer, free of charge, but I don’t know if it counts as an internship and it’s not part of an official program like SIP. I’m sure either will be very fulfilling to my experience so I’m basing my choice on which is worth more prestige…UCSC is really expensive but it’s long, organized, and an official program compared to the other research plan I have.

Does anyone have experiences from last year? I think it was virtual for 2020, right? How did it go? Was it worth it?

It depends on the research opportunity. What are you planning on doing?

If it’s free of charge, I would say to go for it.

Hi! Did you apply?

Hello! How do we pay the application fee? It takes me to a website called Iris but I dont see a place to enter the card details… Pls help!

ayo this thread is a little dead but did anyone get offers yet?? they said it would start at 5 pm but i think the emails have been sent already.

I received an email, but I don’t know why I got it early. Did you get one too?


yep, i got an offer but for a subject area i didn’t show interest in, and the project is a little obscure which’s sort of disappointing :confused:

i got a waitlist :,( lowkey disappointing but ig its better than a rejection

what field?

Aww, that sucks. Was it your second or third choice field?

nope, it wasn’t a field i wrote an essay about LOL

Wait, that’s possible? Maybe they really wanted to admit you but ran out of space for the other subjects

I’m sorry to hear that, hopefully you can get admitted off it :slight_smile:

Yea, they added a new field titled Art, Culture, and STEM Education that you could be considered for if you wanted w/o writing essays. They did this bc the field was finalized after the apps

no i applied Art, Culture, and STEM for my third choice and they didn’t accept me into that one either

same as some of ya’ll. waitlisted :(( wondering if anyone here could share if they were accepted & what field they were accepted into.

does anyone know chances of getting off waitlist? thanks!

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I was accepted into computational media. It was my first choice field and this is my first time applying to SIP.

Based on previous threads, waitlist acceptances vary by field. Fields that are really popular like computational media are hard to get in when waitlisted. However, bigger fields like psychology and astronomy might have a better chance. I lack experience with this program though, so don’t take my absolute word fir it though.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I’m not sure how helpful my advice would be since this is my first time applying to any summer program let alone SIP, but I’m happy to help.

congrats! that sounds great. same here, first time applying too.

yeah I see wym, it’s pretty much dependent on factors out of my control at this point lol. i’m kind of curious as to what you mentioned in your essays - how did you demonstrate real interest and passion towards the topic u chose? (if you don’t mind sharing ofc)

thank you for the input! have fun at SIP this summer :))

so i got waitlisted, (psychology, comp media, art culture and stem) do yall think i should write a letter of continued interest-- like ppl do for college or do u think it would be useless. bcoz, if i got in i would sign up that moment and go so do you think that is worth expressing in an email so they know that they would have a confirmed student – bcoz they say the waitlist is unranked.

(tldr: should i email them abt the waitlist).