@californiabored congrats

Did anyone got off the waitlist for Ecology & Evolutionary Biology?

During the open house this weekend they addressed the waitlist, saying there’s a possibility of getting off but it’s slim. It’s basically dependent on whether anyone decides to drop now, which is unlikely because they already paid $4K.

@daunt18 when was the open house. I got off the waitlist a couple of days ago and I was wondering if I missed anything important before then.

@"#collegeishard" open house was on May 16th. They emailed the recording to all the rosters. I will PM the link.

@banhnanas Hey! I am a rising sophomore planning on applying to this program for Psych! I would love if you could tell me about your experience as well as any tips on how to raise my chances for getting in. Thanks!

hi! i did the internship for psych this summer and while it was online i hope some of this is helpful. I was originally waitlisted then accepted a week later for psych which was my first choice. My gpa is a 4.08 weighted, 3.87 unweighted so i don’t think grades are a deciding factor whether you get in or not. however, I thought my essay and supplemental questions were a banger cause i spent a ridiculous amount of time writing them. i also had several activities that related to psych which i wrote about in my supplements. additionally, psych(and astronomy i believe) is a larger department in general so it’ll probably be less competitive than say cs or bio related subjects. i honestly think my essays got me in and my extracurriculars and not my grades plus i was genuinely fascinated with the research presented and I pushed that through the writing.

for the experience itself, i honestly think it revolves on how dedicated your mentor is. some mentors are long time professors while others are just first year graduate students who don’t have much experience teaching. tbh my mentor wasn’t super fantastic and it felt like we were just doing alot of busy work but that shouldn’t overpower how much I actually learned and enjoyed about the experience. psych research in general is a very stats heavy subject so i spent a lot of time on numerical spreadsheets punching in numbers, taking averages, etc. I think SIP is a great program because you’re contributing to real research and it’s an inspiring feeling, no matter how mundane the tasks may be. in addition, you have readings about the topic and for me we were able to sit in on professional lab meetings in the PhD department and watch discussions and proposals which gives you a feel about research careers.

i highly recommend you apply and good luck!