good luck everyone

did anyone get an email?

did anyone get a response? just asking because its past 5 and I didn’t receive anything

not yet theyre late lol


ok thats a relief I thought my application didn’t go through or something

could just be me but the ucsc sip website isnt loading either.

same its not loading for me

^ it’s not loading for me either

… this is making me nervous

I’m not getting anything either

me too

i think the website being down is related to the fact that our emails haven’t come

their system mightve crashed

I’m so scared, I stayed up the whole night (it’s 5am right now) because I was waiting and waiting and waiting. When will the email come, the suspense is killing me!

Nothing yet for u guys?

Didn’t get anything either

last year it looks like results came out 45 minutes late

but the website loaded 20 mins into it last year we’re already 42 mins in ?

honestly now i’m just worrying that i didn’t click submit on the google form or i didn’t pay my application fee or smth lmao (i know that sounds pretty stupid)