UCSC SIP (Summer Internship Program) vs. BWSI (Beaver Works Summer Institute)

Hey everyone!

Hopefully everyone got some good results for summer programs for this summer :slight_smile:

I’ve been stuck between 2 programs that I got into: SIP (Summer internship program) by UCSC for CSE-15: 3D Human Face Capture and Reconstruction and BWSI (Beaver works summer institute) by MIT for CogWorks.

Can you guys help me decide which one would be better to say yes to and would help me for college admissions :wink:

Thank you in advance!

Are these pay programs, meaning you pay to attend.

I think you go to the one that matches your interests. If it’s a pay to go program, I don’t think either helps at least in great form but if it helps cement an interest for you then it’s well worth it.

Getting a job. That would help with admissions.

Good luck.

Congrats on getting into the MIT summer Beaver Works program. It has many impressive sponsors that allow it to be free to attendees. Well done. No summer job for you :slight_smile:


BWSI is a free program, while SIP unfortunately does have a tuition and housing fee :frowning:

which meets your desires best…which can help you cement your future interests?

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If beaver works is like other MIT summer programs, it will connect you with/ open doors to future opportunities. It gets my vote.

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Ok cool, I agree with your viewpoint and it makes sense. Thank you so much!

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