***UCSD 2019 FRESHMAN WAITLIST*** Information, Stats and Discussion

Got into Muir today off waitlist for Cog sci: cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. Whoop!!! Act: 32 Gpa: 4.2. Just got into Davis yesterday too.

Got in yesterday- ECE. International, GPA4.9(from North Carolina), SAT 1490 with super regular resume.

@AccurateTime We are not interested in undeclared anything. After talking to admission this morning, we were told once we decline (or let the offer expires), she will be removed completely off the waitlist. If she was not offered to bioengineer she will need to apply once she gets in. As it is a capped major, it is nearly impossible. Even if another engineer spot opens, they will give that to current student instead of c/o 2023 applicant. It is safe to say we will not take this offer.

@LuSeer - congratulations! Nice to hear that engineers are being admitted.

What school were you admitted to, and were you admitted directly to ECE, or as undeclared?

Off waitlist! 1st choice Computer Science, 2nd Mechanical Engineering. Accepted to Warren, Mechanical Engineering. ACT 36, SAT 1550, Math 2 800, Physics 760. Don’t know why he was on the waitlist in the first place! Now we can move on…

@dsoisdone CONGRATS! Was the decision made today or yesterday?

I get into Warren and directly to ECE. Both of them are my first choice.

@sydneywillden did you submit a letter of continued interest or appeal? or did you just accept your position on the waitlist and hope for the best? ? i ask bc that was my second choice major (first is neurobiology) and i sent them a letter to show my continued interest. praying so hard to get in ahhhh

@destes No, I just accepted my waitlist offer and hoped ? best of luck to you!

Yesterday, but didn’t see it until this morning.

I didn’t record my time for community service will this affect my admission? are they gonna ask for it?


@iLoveLuffy: UC’s will do a random audit on EC’s but that is during the application review process. Since you are admitted, you will not have submit proof of your community service hours.

I was hoping some decisions would come out today but I guess not :frowning:

@4everpraying Last wave has till tomorrow to accept. I’m sure there will be another wave early next week. Hang in there.

Hey guys! Man I’m just so stressed out for these waitlists rn. Still have UCSB and UCSD to go. I got off Davis on Monday. I have absolutely no idea what to do! I was hoping SB or SD would come out before I have to decide on Davis but it looks like they won’t :confused: My parents are letting me commit to Davis to just save my spot there but I don’t really wanna do that bc they’ve already paid for my commitment to USD ($500), this will be another $250, and I’d be taking a spot from someone else if I don’t end up there :frowning: Anyone in the same position rn?

Hey guys! My son is still on the wait list for UCSD for human bio and he has already committed to UCI for bio-medical engineering pre-med. However, he just got off the wait list for UCSB for pre-biology (all bio majors in UCSB are pre-bio). He wants to go to medical school, so what do you suggest? Should we accept the UCSB acceptance or stick with UCI. My son is not sure whether he can succeed and thrive in the engineering part of the bio-medical engineering major, so he is leaning towards UCSB. However, UCSB doesn’t have their own medical school or hospital, so he is worried about internship and research opportunities.

@ac1234567 UCSB is a medium size campus with about 23,000 students. Only 3000 are grad students so the school has a huge undergrad focus. They have many affiliations with hospitals around. My daughter is doing predental and she committed to UCSB. She would consider UCSD only because it’s closer to home

@destes my opinion would be to commit to UC Davis. There are no guarantees with the waitlist situation.

@ac1234567: Your son is not required to do Biomedical Engineering at UCI. He could change his major to Biology instead if he prefers to stay at UCI however Biomedical Engineering might be a better backup plan than being a straight Bio major since a large percentage of Pre-med students never make it through the Medical school application process. Either way, if he attends UCSB or UCI, make sure he has a solid backup plan and he will be happy at either school.