***UCSD 2019 FRESHMAN WAITLIST*** Information, Stats and Discussion

@Gumbymom do you know more about ease of transferring from one college at UCSD to another?

@compug You don’t have to declare a major right away. You have GE requirements to fulfill first based on the college. What college were you admitted to?

@CalifMom2Twins: Transferring between the Residential colleges or Major colleges?

@Gumbymom major colleges. I.e., transferring out of Roosevelt into Warren or Muir

@Gumbymom or anyone else who might know, do senior grades second semester affect your waitlist? If I got straight As first semester, but get a couple of Bs (or just one), does it affect my waitlist offer at all? My transcript deadline is July 1 so will probably be sent a bit before and deadline for waitlist offers is June 30th. I am still studying for my finals but was just curious.

@ac1234567: Senior grades do not affect your waitlist unless you have a significant drop in grades such as D’s or F’s. You are held to the provisional admission contract guidelines just like the accepted students.

@CalifMom2Twins: To switch Residential colleges, you need to find another student willing to do an exchange so not an easy transfer.

@CalifMom2Twins: I was admitted to Warren.

Any new movement on the UCSD waitlist? This is much more stressful than the actual results themselves.

Got admitted off the waitlist last Friday!

College: Revelle (first choice)
Major: Data Science (second choice, CompSci was my first)

PM me if you have any questions.

Hi another quick question here. For those who were admitted off the waitlist, did you have to give a deposit for SIR? My brother is transferring from community to UCSD as well and on the accept or decline offer of admission form, he had a message indicating that he must deposit 250 to ensure his acceptance. I got the same form and I did commit to UCSD but I didn’t get the message that I must deposit 250. I also already received my Triton Checklist and I’ve completed various forms that were required under the checklist. I’m wondering if anyone else had to deposit for SIR? Is it different when you’re admitted off the waitlist?

@lukyson I’m still waiting for my decision, applied for mechanical engineering, 4.3 w / 3.8 uw, 35 ACT, strong essays

@MickleTheNickel9 Goodluck. I am waitlisted for computer engineering with literally the same stats.

Any acceptances or rejections today? I saw one person on reddit who got off the waiting list today

@4everpraying oh wow, I’ve noticed they tend to release on Fridays evenings, hopefully more within next 30 mins, or next Friday! I really can’t find any thread that isn’t a month old though!!

@ac1234567 the thread is called “UCD vs UCSD” in the r/applyingtocollege sub. Unfortunately, I can’t attach the link


I think if we are still waiting likely will not get off waitlist. The ones got off already received the email.

@happyrn How do you know that?

@sbadam19 lmao sanjana we should just give up on ucsd it’s been too long after too many waves