***UCSD 2019 FRESHMAN WAITLIST*** Information, Stats and Discussion

Very well then, I might just pay the deposit and then wait for UCSD and pray to get in lol

Do I have a good chance of getting in or do they rank their waitlist students?

I have been waitlisted. As per UCSD FAQ, they have admitted from zero to 2000 students in the past few years. This stat is not very helpful since there is no information on where I am relative to all the waitlisted candidates (for a given major) and what the past trend has been. For example, if zero students have been admitted from the waitlist last year, then I would have to assume that the odds are next to nil in me making it. However, I find it hard to believe that none from the waitlist made it in any given year. Any insights?

@nerdgirl1234: Chances of getting off the waitlist is dependent upon how many students SIR by May 1. UCSD does not rank their waitlist and depending upon your intended major, many will get accepted as Undeclared so this might be a consideration if you have a direct admit at another school.

I have been waitlisted. As per UCSD FAQ, they have admitted from zero to 2000 students in the past few years. This stat is not very helpful since there is no information on where I am relative to all the waitlisted candidates (for a given major) and what the past trend has been. For example, if zero students have been admitted from the waitlist last year, then I would have to assume that the odds are next to nil in me making it. However, I find it difficult to believe that none from the waitlist made it in any given year. Any insights?

@compug: Refer to original post on this thread. 2018 waitlist stats are not available but 2017 are posted above. The # of students admitted off the waitlist is dependent upon how many SIR by May 1 and this can change from year to year. My advice is get excited about the other schools that accepted you, SIR to your next favorite and if you get off the waitlist, then icing on the cake and accept that spot.

@Gumbymom: Thanks for your inputs. My decision letter said they received 99,000 applications for 5,900 seats. Isn’t the waitlisted # you mentioned unusually high for 5,900 seats…

@compug: Like all schools, UCSD accepts far more applicants than spots available since many will not enroll. I would figure around 18,000 acceptances for the 5900 spots. The # waitlisted each year also changes so if UCSD is overenrolled the year before, they may waitlist more applicants to help manage their yield.

SO will they admit the waitlist students at random? I find that hard to believe. I read in an article that if you call some school would gladly provide you your rank status, I’ll call tmrw since the admission office is closed today and see what they say.

They will admit based on spots available. How they determine the order is something they do not disclose.

If I am admitted will it be to my first college choice that I put on my application with the same major?

@nerdgirl11234: No guarantee that it will be your first choice college or first choice major.

@compug have u made any final decisions? yet being on the waitlist is so annoying, hope we get in

@nerdgirl1234: No. I got waitlisted at both Purdue and UCSD - my top choices. I am hoping I will get through to one of them but from the posts, it appears the probability is low. Yes, I hope we get in. Good luck to you.

@Gumbymom The letter i recieved says

“Thank you for applying to UC San Diego. After careful review of your application, we are unable to offer you
admission at this time for Fall 2019, however, we encourage you to opt in to our waitlist.
UC San Diego continues to receive many more applications from highly qualified applicants than we can
accommodate. For Fall 2019, we received 99,000 applications for a freshman class of approximately 5,900.
Your application demonstrated great promise and if space becomes available, we may be able to offer you
admission from the waitlist.
You must opt in to the waitlist by 11:59 pm PST on April 15 through this Waitlist Opt-in form.
Opting in to the waitlist does not guarantee you will receive an offer of admission. We will release our final
application decision through your Applicant Portal by the end of June.
Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page on the Applicant Portal or additional…” does this mean I was waitlisted or is this a denial letter that pretty much everyone gets?

like do waitlist students receive something saying that they have already been waitlisted or is it like mine?

where is gives us the option to be on it

@nerdgirls1234: Schools will usually offer you the option to opt into the waitlist, which is what UCSD is offering. Some schools automatically place you on the waitlist and expect to opt out if you are not interested.

Okay thank u

so I am waitlisted right? @Gumbymom