***UCSD 2019 FRESHMAN WAITLIST*** Information, Stats and Discussion

so not everyone gets that message?

@nerdgirl1234 Everyone who was waitlisted gets that. Did you fill out the form to opt in? If so, then you are on the waitlist

If you were denied, it would’ve not mentioned the waitlist.

okay thank u

I was waitlisted as well, I visited the campus and found a great place for acai bowls:

Crossing fingers to get in and probably work there too

lol same come straight from the beach and get acai bowls, thad be great

Honeslty I would be crushed if the didnt accpet me, so annoying

@gumbymom Do you happen to know if you get accepted from the wait list, do you automatically go in as undeclared or is there a chance you go in as your declared major?

@lastkiddad: I think which major you will be accepted off the waitlist will depend upon the spots available. Usually with the capped majors, you can expect Undeclared but with the non-capped majors, you should have a chance with your original intended major.

Any statistics on the stats of students who were offered a spot off waitlist previous years? If not, anyone know if the people at the top of the waitlist are order of highest stats to lowest or is it just overall preference based on holistic approach? So possibly someone w/not so amazing stats, but plenty of ec’s, excellent essays, rigorous course load, etc, could have a shot?

Hi guys! I’ve been waitlisted too and my dad told me to write an email/letter of continued interest to show that I still want to attend this university if they decide to take me. Do you guys have any experience for doing these things? I know this step doesn’t guarantee anything, but I’m just hoping for the best.

@taemaster: If you check UCSD’s common dataset, they do not consider an applicant’s level of interest in their admission decisions. You can send one in, but it doubt it will looked at. If UCSD wanted an LOCI or other documentation, they would have made it part of the waitlist opt in.

at this point is there anything you can do to to improve your chance?

@nerdgirl1234: There is nothing you can do at this point but get excited about your other options and consider the waitlist a soft rejection. If you happen to get admitted off the waitlist, then icing on the cake.

No record has been posted since 2015. Then the stats were okay i think about 996 kids accepted from waitlist out of around 6000. Ive been doing much research as Ive been waitlisted too. On CC I looked on various waitlist threads from last year and other info. No one on the thread got accepted at all. It was very disheartening… I pretty much gave up hope at this point. Hopefully theres a change this year because SD’s rankings dropped a lot and SB’s went up to 3. I doubt it though. Everyone in the country wants to live in San Diego.

I hate this so much it is slowly killing me, I wish I just knew I bet there are many more of sad ppl

as Gumbymom has stated, please love the school(s) that accepted you, make a decision on one of them, and SIR to them soon, before May 1. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, I say. Move on, and if you do get off the waitlist, it will be a huge and nice surprise.

It is very possible that UCSD may have a couple of rounds and extend this out all the way well into June. This happened last year.

what do you mean by “a couple of rounds” I am not sure what that means

chances are they might have one round of offers in mid-May, then another round of offers in June. So to me, one could easily be hung up all the way into June. Which is why we suggest that you take control of the situation and love the schools that love you.

and do you know this from past results? I ve been trying to find out more info about the waitlist but there is literally no info on the interent about it