***UCSD 2019 FRESHMAN WAITLIST*** Information, Stats and Discussion

look at last year’s thread.

Edit: don’t bother looking at last year’s thread. I’ll summarize. It looks like a few came out for transfer student waitlist around May 15. Then a bunch of rejections around June 7, with no indication that anyone at all got off of waitlist. I’ll assume very few cleared waitlist yesterday or else there would have been postings.

thank u for letting me know

Does anyone know if UCSD ranks their waitlist? Thank you

@lalar1217: not ranked.

On UCSD portal, I am seeing this in the bottom of waitlist confirmation notice
"Visit Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the waitlist process.

We wish to inform you that our freshman enrollment goals for the academic year have been met and we are unable to offer admission from the freshman waitlist. We appreciate your continued interest in UC San Diego and wish you the best in pursuit of your educational goals."

Anyone else seeing this?

Yeah I saw that on my portal too so I called and the admissions officer said to disregard it because they can’t make any decisions until after May 1st when they see who accepted their offer.

@Gumbymom and other UCSD waitlisted students/parents - my son was waitlisted for UCSD, UCLA and UCB. On the UCLA and UCB Portals they have a dialogue boxes (much smaller for UCB) into which they request you enter your latest scores and into which he was able to post a statement about his interest. He noted that for UCSD he does not see any such dialogue box or option for providing a statement or other information. Is he missing something - any suggestions for how best to submit a statement? Thanks!

@axapops: Each UC campus has different waitlist requirements. UCSD did away with their waitlist statement a few years ago, so all you can do is opt into their waitlist.

I think the waitlist is over and done with. This is from the portal: “We wish to inform you that our freshman enrollment goals for the academic year have been met and we are unable to offer admission from the freshman waitlist. We appreciate your continued interest in UC San Diego and wish you the best in pursuit of your educational goals.”

@Whiskeytornado01 so do we still have a chance? or its really over

@Gumbymom so I got into SDSU for computer engineering and got waitlisted for most of my UC application, so should I still wait for the waitlist or should I just go to SDSU with computer engineering? I really wanna go to a UC school tho

@eipiplusone Try calling the admission office. this guy called them and the admission said we might still have space so yeah

@iLoveLuffy: You need to SIR (enroll) in one of the schools that accepted you before May 1. Waitlist decisions usually do not come out until after May 1, so if SDSU is your preferred choice then enroll now. If you happen to get accepted off the waitlist, then you can decide to remain with your original school or accept the waitlist acceptance. You will however lose your enrollment deposit.

@Gumbymom so for my UCSD waitlist its say that
We wish to inform you that our freshman enrollment goals for the academic year have been met and we are unable to offer admission from the freshman waitlist. We appreciate your continued interest in UC San Diego and wish you the best in pursuit of your educational goals.

so is there still a chance or this is basically over

@iLoveLuffy: I would say yes, it looks like they will not be taking anyone off the waitlist.

@Gumbymom when are we gonna know the numbers who accepted the SIR form ucsd

@iLoveLuffy: The official UC SIR Information usually comes out in July after all the Freshman and Transfers have SIR’d along with sending in their official transcripts. I am sure some Preliminary numbers may be posted earlier than July.

@eipiplusone are you sure that wasn’t a leftover message from last year? I find it slightly hard to believe that UCSD can make that determination so fast with still 2 weeks to go before SIRs are due.

@Gumbymom: Can you please provide your insights on this?

I think this message is based on the number of students SIR to date, they don’t expect to have spots left (based on their analysis) for the waitlisted student, those who are not SIR still has the opportunity to file SIR and they are expecting some of them. Again this is based on their analysis and they want the applicants to know that don’t rely on the waitlist, move one. My 2c.