UCSD acceptance GPA for CS freshman admissions for SanDiego high schools

I would highly appreciate if admitted freshmen students from San diego high schools to UCSD’s CS/CSE or engineering program can post there UC GPA and number of AP’s here. As it will provide a lot of clarity as to what GPA numbers they look for . Whatever I have searched it seems like all A’s is what get you into engineering from San Diego High schools at UCSD.


This does not show by major or college but, you can use the FR GPA tabs to see the avg admitted UCGPA for each CA high school.

4.2 is a fair target.

UCSD does not give preference to local high school students unlike SDSU where local area students have priority. I agree with NCalRent with an average overall UC GPA for the campus 2020 admits of 4.18, that at least a 4.2 or higher capped weighted GPA would be a good target. (Maximum capped weighted is 4.4) UC’s will look at all 3 UC GPA’s for their admission review.


Regarding the # of AP classes, HS course rigor is important but the type of AP classes might be more important. AP classes taken in the major STEM areas such as Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Biology would be helpful but taking 7 vs 15 will not always make a better candidate. Quality vs. Quantity is important and each student will be evaluated in the context of their HS and the availablilty of these classes.

Since CS is a capped major and one of the most difficult admits at UCSD, all the applicant can do is present the best possible application including taking time with their personal insight essays and having major related EC’s.

UCSD admits into the University first and then into the major, so any student applying for a capped major is encouraged to select a non-capped major as an alternative. Also be aware that changing into CS later if not directly admitted requires a specific GPA in pre-req courses and then being placed into a lottery so no guarantees.

As a San Diego HS student interested in CS, another great option is SDSU. My younger son (not local) graduated with his CS degree from SDSU and works along side many UCSD graduates in his field. It is not the school name that gets you the job, but what job skills you have developed through internships, Research etc… that makes you worth employing.

All three of my local kids got into UCSD with one CS kid.

Each one was over 4.0. The CS kid had a 4.4, and top 5 in his class, missed being Val by a percentage. Top school district.
None of my kids chose to attend UCSD, and we’re very happy that they had other options. If he’s doing CS in San Diego county, SDSU would be a strong option. Note: My husband prefers the Cal State students (SDSU/CSUSM), who have had the practical internships, over the UC kids, when he’s hiring in engineering and software. Not that there’s anything wrong with that it’s just his preference as to their independent capabilities.

I really appreciate all the replies (especially for the GPA table) and i do agree what your observations are. What bothered me was this link


table c 11 on pg. 4 (copied below)

Percentage of all enrolled, degree-seeking, first-time, first-year (freshman) students who had high school grade-point averages within each of the following ranges (using 4.0 scale). Report information only for those students from whom you collected high school GPA.

Percent who had GPA of 4.0 73%
Percent who had GPA between 3.75 and 3.99 19%
Percent who had GPA between 3.50 and 3.75 7%
Percent who had GPA between 3.25 and 3.49 1%
Percent who had GPA between 3.00 and 3.24
Percent who had GPA between 2.50 and 2.99
Percent who had GPA between 2.0 and 2.49
Percent who had GPA between 1.0 and 1.99
Percent who had GPA below 1.0
Totals should = 100%

The above table is on a 4.0 scale.
It clearly means that kids with a 4.0 (only A’s ) comprised of 73 % of the admits. so if somebody has 1 B with along side all other A’s they only have a 19 % chance. Then how do they justify rigor because AP courses are hard.

I just wanted to know with my original post if kids with any B can get in Jacob’s school of Engineering.
Again really appreciative of all your help.

This table summaries the Freshman enrolled (not admitted) data more clearly than the common data set.


It specifically states that ** The average high school GPA for the 2019 first-time first-year student cohort was 4.08; almost three-fourths had a GPA of 4.0 or higher. GPAs may exceed 4.0 due to credit for honors courses.**

Also out of the 6000+ of enrolled Freshman students there was about 1/3 Engineering students so the other 2/3 are different major departments. Also on the profile it shows the # of UC approved Honors courses taken which includes Honors, AP, IB and DE courses.

To answer your question, yes you can get accepted with a B or 2 for CS. With the UC’s being test optional this year, GPA will probably play a bigger factor so all bets are off this admission cycle.

Really appreciate your help. This year will be a first in many things . lets see how it all unfolds.

@Gumbymom This is actually first time I’ve gone into the Roger Hub Calc link. I looked at it a couple of years ago but got confused with capped and uncapped and then this cycle, Cal Poly SLO calculated S21’s GPA so I went with it. I have always referenced what’s on his transcript but it’s different with UC, of course.

Did I do this right?

  1. His school is on semester, so for let’s say AP US history, I would count two A’s in the A box in the Roger hub calc? So if he took 6 classes 10th and then 6 in 11th, and got all A’s (not true), it would be 24 A’s on that box?
  2. For Honors, if S21 had 7 APs and 2 Honors between 10-11th, I would put 18 in the honors box knowing that it’s capped at 8 and the balance only matters in the uncapped weighted Calc?

Do UC publish only the 10-11th a-g GPA when you read the gpa on the websites? Thx.


I don’t understand, are you saying that the gpa table shown in the common app is the weighted/capped gpa?? cuz 73% having a 4.0 uw is pretty insane for ucsd, its not even remotely like that for some ivy leagues

The GPA listed on the Freshman profile is the average of enrolled students (UC capped weighted) and yes 73% had over a 4.0 due the Capped weighted calculation. This data is from 2019 so the more recent data is here;

UCSD does not use the common application but the UC application.

The UC’s use 3 UC GPA’s in their admission review: Unweighted (out of 4.0), Capped weighted (out of 4.4) and Fully weighted (out of 5.0)…

Here is the UC GPA calculator: GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

Here is a preliminary UC admissions summary showing the majority of UC campuses have an average UC GPA for admitted students is at 4.0 or above for the Capped weighted UC GPA.

This is an old discussion thread so I will be closing it. If you have any more questions, you are welcome to send a personal message or start a new discussion thread.