**UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

With decisions around the corner, time of the dreaded waitlist discussion thread.

Below are some waitlist stats from previous years but unfortunately no data available for 2020.

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 19976
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 12426
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 4313

No Data for 2018

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 9465
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 5998
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 567

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Should we send a LOCI?

UCSD does not consider an applicant’s level of interest so sending an LOCI will not help. Follow the instructions to opt into the waitlist, get excited about your other acceptances and continue to wait until you hear about your decision.

When do we hear back about waitlist??

In general, waitlist decisions will not be made until after the May 1 SIR deadline. If a large amount of admitted students decline their acceptance, then you can hear earlier. In the meantime, make sure you SIR (enroll) in another school before the May 1 deadline.


how many people do we think are on the waitlist?

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Is there an essay or a place to enter 12th grade grades when accepting the spot on the waitlist?

UCSD dropped the waitlist essay a few years ago. For the last couple of years, all you can do is opt into the waitlist. No submission of grades or LOCI.


Is there any way to find out how many people are waitlisted? Does the school publish this?

Waitlist information can be found on the common dataset section C2. I have been unable to find the common dataset for 2020 and 2021 information will not be available until next year. If you check out the Waitlist discussion thread, I have posted some waitlist data there.


Is the waitlist first come first serve? If not how do the applicants get off the waitlist. Is there some sort of ranking?
Thank you!

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The UC’s do not disclose how they admit off the waitlist but not first come. Also many students will be admitted into Undeclared off the waitlist.

Thank you for clarifying it!

I have an other question;
My daughter got accepted at UC Davis, but her dream school is UCSD, where she’s waitlisted. How hard is to get transferred from one UC to the other? Also is it easier to get transferred from CSU to a UC? I am sorry we have so many questions. She is in between CalStateLB and UCD. I appreciate your help!

UC to UC transfers are slightly easier than CSU to UC transfers. She would still require 60 semester/90 quarter units to transfer and take the transfer GE’s and major prep.

If she completes the GE’s at a UC, then she can get the GE reciprocity agreement which means she should not have to take the GE’s at the other UC.

Ease of transfer will depend upon her UC GPA at the time of application and completion of all the requirements.

CSU to UC transfers are not as clear cut since the CSU’s have slightly different GE requirements and some of the major prep classes do not articulate well to the UC system.

I do not know what all her college options are but I would think she would have some good choices and should focus on attending one of them without already considering transferring out. Having the mindset to leave before even starting does not allow for the student be vested and integrate into the school. You never know, she may end up liking where ever she attends next Fall and this is all moot. Most high achieving students will do fine no matter where they end up.


Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate your feedback!

If she intends to transfer anyways, save thousands of dollars and go the JC route. She might even be able to TAG if UCSD offers it.

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One more question.

So if students don’t accept the waitlist offers then is it over or do the next people in line get it?

Thank you!

UCSD does not offer TAG.