**UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

Do you know how this will affect the UCLA waitlist?

Not sure, but so far the waitlist admits have been trickling out and still no large wave. Since LA county gave the go ahead to have dorm capacity increased, then if there are open spots, they should be admitting off the waitlist within the next few weeks.

do you happen to know when ucsdā€™s county guidelines will be updated?

I have no idea.

Has anyone gotten off the waitlist for psych at UCSD and other campuses like UCI, UCSB, and UCD?? Havenā€™t heard anything yetā€¦ā€¦

i also applied for psych at ucsd and ucdā€¦ but I donā€™t think anyone has got off the waitlist for ucsd and ucd yet. If they did, it probably wasnā€™t from a wave because I havenā€™t heard anyone on here or other platforms talking about getting accepted

iā€™ve heard about a bunch of people getting accepted off of ucsbā€™s waitlist but not the other 3

I got off UCSBā€™s waitlist for pre-biology a week or so ago but still havenā€™t heard from SD or Irvine.

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do you know if psych is a popular major? i specifically applied for psych b.s.
is it gonna be harder to get off the waitlist with this major compared to other majors?

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UCSD admits into the University first and then into the major. Psych is a popular major but it is not capped so you would have a better chance of being admitted into your specific major but it does not mean a better chance of getting off the waitlist.


just got off the waitlist today at 5:03 for pre biology! iā€™m also in state!


woahhhh congrats! finally seeing some movement

I have my first choice as a major Bio and second choice psych for UCSD. Do you know if they go based on first major or second for waitlist? Thank you for your time

Congratulations! hopefully we can join you there.

Congrats. Did you get an email?

I wish to hear oos soon

Congratulations! Did you check your portal or receive an email? Thanks and best to you.

edit* i meant to post this on sb sorry for the confusion!

UCSD admits into the University first then into the major. Biology is capped so it is possible to be accepted to either your first choice or 2nd choice major from the waitlist.

Phew. I think we had a collective heart attack. Congrats on UCSB!