**UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

Ok thank you so much!

similar to being an international student, does being oos help your chances at getting off the waitlist

Yes, being OOS gives you an advantage also.

If you accept one UC can you still remain on the waitlist for another?

Yes, you can enroll in one UC and be on the waitlist for multiple other UC’s.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision Date: By March 31

Does anyone know if “ecology evaluation and behavior “ is an impacted major? And if so then what are the chances of being able to transfer to it from an undeclared one?
Thank you!

Here is the information to change majors. EBE is under Biological Sciences which is a capped major.

Non-biology majors who entered UC San Diego as freshmen may be eligible to apply for admission into a biology major. Please note that available biology majors will vary based on the term of admission to UC San Diego.

Consideration of non-biology majors for admission into a biology major is based on the Capped Major Admission requirements until the numerical limit is reached. To be considered for admission into a biology major, students must satisfy all criteria listed below.

Capped Major Admission Courses:

BILD 1 and 3
CHEM 6A, 6B, 6C, and 7L
MATH 10A or 20A and MATH 10B or 20B
Additional Criteria and Information:

Complete all Capped Major Admission coursework, including transfer courses, with a “C-“ or higher, or with AP/IB/A-Level UC San Diego equivalent course credit.

For grading exceptions being considered due to the pandemic, see COVID 19 Undergraduate Updates

Earn a minimum 2.5 GPA in the Capped Major Admission courses. Only Capped Major Admission courses taken at a UC with a letter grade will be factored into the screening GPA.

Apply, using the online application below, within the first 6 quarters at UC San Diego, during an active application cycle. Do not use Tritonlink to request a change of major.
Submit your application once the application opens. Day and time of application submission will be considered when making admission offers.

Current quarter grades will be taken into consideration for the applicable application cycle (e.g. fall grades will be considered for the fall application).

Applications will be reviewed after term grades are finalized (Thursday after Finals Week). Once all applications have been reviewed, applicants will be notified.
Students are expected to be aware of relevant timelines and deadlines, and to check their @ucsd.edu email account regularly. If offered admission, failure to take action by the specified date and time will result in a declined offer.
Satisfying Capped Major Admission requirements does not guarantee admission.


Thank you for all the info. Assuming all the requirements are met, what are the realistic chances of being able to transfer? In other words have you heard of any percentages by any chance?

Sorry, but I have not heard of the percentage of students that are successful. You might want to call the Department and see if they can give some numbers.

Thank you so much! We will do that.

I am saddened to be placed on waitlists for almost all the UCs I applied to. My top choices are UCSD. My high school counselor suggested that students send LOCI. Would it help? Should I do that for UCI and UCD as well?
If you get off the waitlist, do we usually get put in first choice major? Or as undeclared?

I read somewhere that UCs may dig deeper into the waitlists this year because they may have sent out fewer acceptances. Would anyone happen to know about that? Or have an opinion?

Sorry to hear about all the waitlists. Do you have any acceptances from other schools?

According the UC website, Waitlisted applicants should follow the waitlist instructions for each school and not send additional documentation unless asked by the school.

UCD requires a Waitlist essay, so basically your LOCI.

The rest of UC’s do not have options to submit an LOCI but for UC Santa Cruz, Riverside, Santa Barbara, you can appeal while you are on the waitlist as long as you opt into the waitlist. If you send an appeal, the appeal will be your LOCI.

Edited: For UC Irvine, you can appeal if you decline the waitlist. They changed their policy a couple of years ago.

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Hey man, I’m in the same boat as you, I got waitlisted at 4/5 of the UCs I applied to and rejected at the 5th one.

I’m hoping you get good news from the UCs soon <3

Stay strong!


There are several different majors that are quite similar to computer science that your son can look into and see if he is interested in. The Cognitive Science major has a specialization in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Taken with a cs minor, the skills learned in this major can easily be applicable to jobs that you would typically get with a CS degree. There are others that are capped, such as Math-CS, that you could try to get into if CS doesn’t work out.

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I got waitlisted for UCSD this year but does anyone know how they accept people and which ones?

My son got waitlisted email letter, but his comm portal can not get in, is there anyone having the same problem? Thank you!

None of the UC’s state how applicants are admitted off the waitlist

ok thnx