**UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

I really hope to get off the waitlist. Any idea the earliest they release decisions and how they make them.

UCSD did start taking students off the waitlist in Late April last year. Each year will vary and last year was not representative of previous years. In general, after May 1 is when most schools will go to their waitlists, but hopefully sooner.

So I got waitlisted at UCSD and I was wondering when decisions usually come out and if I should write a letter of interest and is so what email do I send it too?

@collegewannbe: Please read this article and do not send anything not required for the waitlist.

Hi Gumbymom. I am new to the forum. Iā€™ve been reading it for a month with regards to SLO, UC San Diego & UCSC mainly. My daughter got waitlisted to all 3. I wanted to ask you if colleges or specifically the ones I listed take into account Finances. Meaning, kids getting accepted/off the waitlist, by families paying their own way through as 1 factor that helps? Or do they not look at finances and base acceptance off stats alone? Thank you! PS - This site is amazing and your wisdom is too!

The Cal states and UCā€™s are need blind meaning they do not take your finances into consideration for admission purposes. They will base the waitlist admits off which spots they need to fill from the waitlist pool.

Do you know if UCSD typically offers Undeclared to those accepted off the waitlist? My son came off the UC Davis waitlist in 2019 and was offered his first choice major (Economics). Iā€™m wondering if UCSD might do the same? Of course our sonā€™s intended major this year at UCSD is CS so maybe that changes things?

In the case of capped majors like CS, usually the waitlisted admits get their alternate major or Undeclared. There are exceptions but not too common.

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@Gumbymom Hi there. Iā€™m a parent of a HS Senior who was Waitlisted from several UCā€™s (SD, SC & D). She accepted the WL offer for all 3 schools, as sheā€™d chose either of the WL schools over the schools she received acceptances. Question - does each UC operate separately for WL students decisions, or do they collaboratively make decisions? Just wondering if being on 3 waitlists could negatively impact. Thanks in advance for your knowledge.

A student can be on multiple Waitlists and all decisions will be separate. The UCā€™s do not collaborate regarding admissions.

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Hi Gumbymom,

Apparently there is a big expansion that just opened @ UCSD. The North Torrey Pines Living and Learning. Supposedly, 2,000 beds are being added for undergrads. Will this grow enrollment for the Fall 2021? Thank you!

Will there be any essay? My daughter checked a box. Maybe this year thereā€™s no essay or update?

UCSD discontinued the essay/waitlist statement several years ago.

thank you. Iā€™m surprised. I found some references to essays, but now that you write, they do seem to be older. So, it sounds like thereā€™s nothing more people can do: just submit the request and wait.

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@Gumbymom will it look bad if my D submits a LOCI even if they donā€™t ask? How do they gauge student interest if every waitlisted student just presses a button?

UCSD does not consider an applicants level of interest for admissions. Check the common dataset section C7.

Hi All - incredibly helpful forum. My daughter was waitlisted to UCSD, admitted to UCSC. Sheā€™s hoping for UCSD, but happy to attend UCSC if she doesnā€™t get off the WL. My question is, does accepting her spot at UCSC in any way affect her chances of getting off the WL at UCSD?

Thanks again for your help!

Not at all as far as I know

No, not at all

Could we write a loci updating UCSD on what weā€™ve done since submitting our app? Working on my Berkeley one rn LOL!