**UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

I am not saying that submitting additional materials will hurt your chances, but if they do not want an LOCI, LOR’s etc… but submitting them to admissions when they are not requested, they will not be considered or reviewed.

I will post this once again although it is not specific for UCSD, it has great advice for all Waitlisted students and will highlight the following:

  1. Don’t stalk the admission office. Claim your spot, send in what they ask for, and wait. That’s it! If you really feel compelled to send an email to an admission counselor that you’ve met or corresponded with previously, that could be your one other action item. If you do that, it’s a one and done deal. We have seen students send a painted shoe with a message on the bottom reading: “just trying to get my foot in the door.” Memorable, but ultimately ineffective. Admission offices regularly receive chocolates, cookies, and treats along with poems or notes. It is safe to say that a couple hundred grams of sugar and a few couplets are not going to outweigh institutional priorities. There is a distinct line between expressing interest and stalking. Stay in your lane.
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If DD is so lucky enough to get offered off the waitlist-- what are the roommate and housing choices usually available at UCSD later in the process?

Hi Gumbymom,

What’s your feel this year on how deep admissions will go into waitlists for UCSD or in general? Thanks!

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Hard to predict but I think somewhere between 2019 and 2020.

Could you please elaborate? Thanks!

  1. I do not know how many students were waitlisted this year vs. the last 2 years. Last year was the exception and some UC’s actually increased the # of waitlisted this year. UCSD for 2020 and 2019 waitlisted over 19,000 applicants.

2019 admits were 4300+ While 2020 admits were 5300+. I think still with some uncertainty regarding Covid and the housing situation, the admit #’s will be somewhere in between.

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When can we expect a first wave of WL admits?


why is this thread dead already :cry:

I’m still here! Someone on Reddit said UCSD sent some offers at around this time off the waitlist.

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hoping they send some out soon :pray:t3:

I can’t believe we have to go through this again. Good luck to you.

good luck to you too <3

I’m an out-of-state that unfortunately can’t attend because of how expensive UCSD’s tuition is. I’m going to be rejecting my offer today, I hope it gives hope to some of you looking to get in :slight_smile:


Thank you. I’m sure you will be successful wherever you go.

Anything from anyone yet?

May I ask whether I have to respond to each college offer? I thought if I don’t sign up for SIR, the college would automatically know that I have declined the offer. Kindly advise and thank you much.

Hello, anyone has any update about the waitlist?

I have the same question

It is a common courtesy to let the schools know you are declining your acceptance. Each school’s student portal should have the option to enroll or decline. It is not required but nice you let them know your decision.

Thank you but you’re right not all has the option of that reject the offer button. Many thanks for the reply