**UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

Not yet.

hi everyone!

I’ve had several meetings with admissions advisors, and up until my last meeting I had really gotten no new information. The only bit of some clarification I had gotten was this last meeting, the advisor told me that the amount of people they offered waitlist this year was “small”. I wasn’t given a number or anything, so I cant specify, sorry!! She also stated, notifications on whether we got off the waitlist or not is going to start (i didn’t get a specific date though (:sweat_smile:). hope this helps a little! good luck to everyone on getting accepted from the waitlist!!


I will keep crossing my fingers for the next 7 days.


Hi Guys! I think they released a very very small batch of waitlist decisions on April 29th. A friend of mine who was waitlisted at UCSD got in that day. While I haven’t heard anything yet I think they’re going to be slowly releasing decisions soon as they have already started.


Do you know major your friend got in for? And did they get an email abt their update?

Yeah so her major she got into was human developmental sciences and she did get an email from the specific college- so in her case Revelle that she was admitted .

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okay thank you!

thank u sm for the info!! just to clarify, do you mean that the amount of people they initially offered a spot on the waitlist is small or that the amount of people they’re expecting to admit off the waitlist this year is small?


Is your friend out of state student?

No she’s in-state!

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When was her decision released date and time if you know. Sorry for asking to much. I really want to get of the waitlist.

No all good! I’m not sure the time but I know the date was the 29th! I’ll check with the and get back to you

When do we expect more decisions to come out??

Hoping May 7th as last year and previous years


I would love to know if and when any biomed engineers get off the waitlist. =)

Hey y’all, I just got in to UCSB off the waitlist so maybe UCSD will come out soon too?? I’m sure the dates are different for each UC but maybe that means San Diego might release theirs soon, especially since decision day is past


did they send an email to you today?

congrats btw!!

yeah i got an email from UCSB at like 9:15 pm PST saying my portal was updated w/ a decision

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thank you sm!! :))

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