UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Here is some Waitlist and Appeal information for the Freshman Class of 2026 applicants.

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:
Number of wait-listed students admitted:

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 19976
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 12426
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 4313

No Data for 2018

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 9465
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 5998
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 567

Applicants selected for Waitlist

Select applicants will be invited to opt in to our waitlist through their Applicant Portal.

First-Year applicants must opt in by 11:59 pm PST on April 15.

Being on the waitlist does not guarantee an offer of admission. We strongly urge students to accept another university’s admission offer before the appropriate deadline to ensure they have secured a spot at an institution.

By June 30, final decisions will be released to applicants who opt in to the waitlist. There is no appeal process for the waitlist.

For Appeals:

Appeals for Applicants Not Offered Admission or Waitlist

Every application to UC San Diego is reviewed thoroughly by at least two readers. Admission decisions are made carefully to meet the enrollment goals of the university. Therefore, successful appeals are very rare.

Applicants who have new and compelling academic information that was not presented in their original application, may submit an appeal through their Applicant Portal by April 15. No appeals will be accepted after the deadline.

Waitlisted students may not appeal.


Is there anyway to update UC SD of senior grades ? Any way to send LOCI?

UCSD does not accept senior grade updates or LOCI since they do not consider an applicants level of interest. Opt into the waitlist and then move on until you hear.



Son waitlisted at multiple colleges. Still waiting UCSB and UC Berkeley next week. He should opt-in the waitlisted colleges now or wait others? Is it ok to opt-in multiple colleges at once? How long does it take to get reply from admission officers usually?

There is no first in, first off for the waitlist but there are deadlines for each school so I would say opt in to any schools of interest. You can be on multiple waitlists with no issues.

In general, students usually do not hear until after the SIR May 1 deadline but if spots open up prior to that deadline, students can be admitted off the waitlist.

Since many will not hear until after May 1, you will need to put a deposit down somewhere. If admitted off the waitlist, you will lose the original deposit if you accept another school.


Thank you very much. Yesterday was heartbreaking day though my son accepted at other colleges such as UIUC, UT Austin.

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Yes, the UC’s have been tough the last couple of years. Wishing him the best.


I’m with ya…yesterday was tough. Birthday filled with waitlists and rejection. A big hug and a bbq helped.


UT Austin is great school if you like Austin Texas.

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what are the chances of me getting off the waitlist here? seems like a lot of ppl got put on the waitlist

2021 has no data but only a few admits off the waitlist. 2020 is not representative of the waitlist admits due to Covid. Your chances are dependent upon how many SIR to UCSD by May 1 and how many spots will be available. There is no way to determine that until UCSD gets the enrollment numbers after May 1.

In the meantime, you move forward with the schools that have accepted you.

I already sent out a letter of continued interest, will this harm anything

They will ignore it.

D22 has accepted waitlist option. I don’t see what college she was waitlisted for. Should I assume it was to her first choice? If accepted (crossing fingers), will they say then which college she is accepted to? I read on an earlier post it is extremely difficult to change colleges from shat you’re accepted in. Anyone have first hand experience? 1st choice was revelle, but want to change that. Again, just in case we get lucky with an acceptance.

Thus why in a perfect world they would get a “token” that they could trade with somebody else who got waitlisted- wouldn’t that be ideal since in the institution’s eyes waitlisted kids have already made the cut? :slight_smile: After all someone’s perfect school is somebody else’s 10th choice…


Same here. How about other UCS? Is data science is highly compacted? What are the chances for WL to get in?

Can you imagine how that would play out!! Rich families offering $50K (or more) to swap a WL for an acceptance!


Well that’s a good point that I hadn’t thought of :joy:

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Here is the information to transfer residential colleges at UCSD.

Transfers between undergraduate colleges at UCSD are only granted under exceptional circumstances.
The requirements to petition for the exception include:
-Minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA.
-Student must demonstrate that the transfer will shorten time to degree by at least two full time quarters (which must include elective units, major, and general education requirements). This is demonstrated by the submission of comprehensive quarter- by -quarter plans for both the home college and the desired college, with equivalent course loads.
-Transfer students must have completed one full quarter at UCSD and have no more than 150 units.
-Students who entered as freshmen must have completed their first year at their home college, completed the ELWR as well as college writing requirement, and have completed no more than 135.0 units.
-Petitions for inter-college transfers based on general education preferences or the intention to double major or minor are not considered.

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