UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Nothing to report here!


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UC Davis is accepting off the waitlist now! Letā€™s hope UCSD is soon!


Any news?

Not over hereā€¦still waiting


When I applied to the school, the information that you should not apply to two capped majors was unaware within my school. As a result, I applied to two capped majors: Public Health and Mathematics. Do you think there is any chance I could even get into the University as undeclared? I am so upset I didnā€™t see this before applying.

There are 3 options which you may get if accepted off the waitlist. 1st choice major, alternate major or Undeclared. In some instances I have seen waitlist admits get their 1st choice capped major and even a capped alternate major although rare. The majority of waitlist admits that have listed a capped major will end up with Undeclared.

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Now that itā€™s been almost a week since May 1st do you think thereā€™s any hopes of getting off? Or do you think this year will be similar to last year and no one will get off?

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FYI: Effective Monday, 5/24/2021 , the Mathematics Department majors are no longer Capped.
Math Capped Status | Department of Mathematics (ucsd.edu)


Last year there where barely any waitlist admits for all of the ucā€™s. But, this year has already been better than last year for the other uc. Which could be indicative that ucsd might admit people this week. But if they donā€™t then the chances look grim.


Saw on reddit one kid got off the waitlist, but not sure how many others have. This year UCSD seems to have waitlisted so many students. Anxiously waiting for results. Hopefully more get accepted. Has anyone heard anything back?


None. Did the person you hear from just get off the waitlist today?

No, the guy on reddit said it was around a few days ago. Iā€™m not sure if anyone else has gotten off, but UCSD should start sending them out in a few weeks- or else it might just be a repeat of last year. :frowning:

Can you link it?

Do you know if they were international, oos, or in state?

[6 minutes ago]
titled: ā€œAccepted from UCSD waitlist!ā€
ā€œBunch of my friends were also accepted as well!ā€

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Did anyone else get anything? I checked the portal and there wasnā€™t any updates.


Maybe this means the waitlist decisions will start roling.

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I know a lot of people who opted for the waitlist but said even if they get off theyā€™re not going so hopefully that comes in well