UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

do you think there will be anymore waitlist acceptances?


D in state still on WL for Cog Sci

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Have any out of state WL been admitted? Seems all I have heard are in-state.

me neither. Still WL at UCLA, UCSD, UCI. Wish they would stop stringing us along.


I saw one OOS acceptance in Reddit

Same here. Cog Sci: Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience.

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Hello. ECE: Computer Engineering, still on the waitlist.

currently attending UCSB for Computer Engineering.

Thanks! Even tho my son is committed to UCR, there is still this nagging feeling about those UCs that waitlisted him
 It’s actually a relief to get the “release letter”.
My daughter has been accepted to a Master program “Communication and Cognition” from University of Copehangen in Denmark. Tuition free+ $1000/mo living stipend. A lot of post graduate programs in Europe are great and are signifcantly more affordable than US insititutions. Everything is taught in English in post grad over there. You don’t need to speak their language. It’s something people should look into as an alternative to US colleges.


how likely is it that another wave will come? we r edging dangerously close to june


For those who were admitted yesterday, when is the SIR deadline for you guys?

As much as I hate to say this, all we can do at this point is hope. I’m rooting for another wave or maybe trinkles! But we never know.


June 2nd. Seems to be a week for all UCSD waitlist admits.

6/2 is the deadline. After a night of consideration and soul searching, daughter decided to stay committed to UCI (her original UC 3rd choice) and is declining her UCSD acceptance for her 1st choice major (Marine Bio) at ERC. ERC is not ideal for her chosen (pre-med) major. She is aware that she will have to go the extra mile with Marine Bio as a pre-med major, but ERC GE requirements go even beyond what she is prepared to do for Marine Bio as a pre-med major. At this point, she is firm on staying committed to UCI even if her UC 2nd choice (UCLA) takes her off the waitlist. Hopefully this will open up a spot to a Marine Bio major still considering UCSD. Good luck to all who are still waiting.


I just found this board and thought I would post to let everyone know my d was accepted off of the waitlist Thursday into biochem and sixth college. She is OOS and has until 6/2 but at this time she plans to stay committed to UCI. Good luck to all!


any econ majors off the waitlist this week?

Any biology off waitlist?

My daughter is still on the WL (5/30). What happens with housing if she’s accepted off the WL this late? Is there a chance she won’t get on campus housing?

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I heard UCs took in fewer students this year. Doesn’t that mean they should accept more off the waitlist then?