UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

UCSD was overenrolled last year so they may have under admitted this year but not necessarily will accept many from the waitlist.

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Not if their yield rate is high enough to fill their classā€¦

I agree that if the yield is high, the waitlist admits will be low. Unfortunately until admissions discloses more admit information, all anyone can do is guess.


This is so frustrating. I wish the admissions offices released at least a general announcement of what is going on.


I know someone got rejected from WL in CS major.

Was this today or earlier?

Pretty sure UCSD effectively closed their CS waitlist back when there was that big wave of rejections


any undeclared major off the waitlist this week?

do we think today is 3rd wave day?

do they release on weekends?

anyone hear from UCSD?

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Yes. Rejection

When did you hear back of the rejection? Sorry to hear that.

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Do you mind sharing what major and when the rejection was sent?

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what was your major?

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Are people still being accepted off the waitlist? My daughter is still on the waitlist for linguistics.

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For ucsd, that is

My son is still on the UCSD waitlist for econ. One of his waitlisted friends get rejected (some type of engineeringā€“heā€™s going to Cal), and another got accepted. My son is still in limbo here and at three other UCs.

Seems like waitlisted liberal arts studies students are still being consideredā€¦

My D still on waitlist for Cog Sci.