UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

do I at least still have some what of a chance?

Everyone has a chance but what you need to do is consider it a rejection and embrace the schools that accepted you. Love the schools that loved you back.


Why were UC waitlists so low last year?

Several reasons:

  1. Some students accepted for Fall 2020 were allowed to defer and start Fall 2021
  2. Due to Covid, many applicants opted to take a Gap year in lieu of taking on-line classes as Freshman and then reapplied for Fall 2021.
  3. Again, due to Covid International students were unable to travel and get student Visas, so either took Gap and reapplied or deferred admission.

This results in a huge increase in applications for Fall 2021, a larger in-coming Freshman class ie. UCSD 7543 Freshman enrolled vs. 6449 enrolled in 2020, so few spots were open for waitlisted students.

My daughter has been waitlisted at 5 of her top 6 schools so we are really hoping there might be more movement off the waitlists this year - especially SD which was her #1 choice and hands down best fit for her and the school:) Not holding our breath though


All i can say is you never know how the waitlists will pan out. If you look back several years, it is like a rollercoaster, up one year down the other up. Waitlists are ‘admissions purgatory”.


We were hoping for a much better cycle this time around than in 2019 with my son
 all we got were more waitlists lol! She has already moved on with her 2 choices but that’s not to say she wouldn’t be super excited to get off the waitlist at SD! This mama is still rather salty about the entire process :slight_smile:


Could you share which 5 schools she got waitlisted?

She was waitlisted at UC Santa Cruz, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, San Diego State and the University of Washington. Denied at UCLA & UCI. Admitted to UC Davis & CalPoly SLO (invited to apply to Honors College) and ASU Barrett Honors with Presidential Scholarship. Low expectations for remaining 3 colleges.
Just for reference we are in state (CA).

Will we get to know if waitlists are admitted earlier by end of May or early June. Or will it be by end of June only. Also will it be in batches or all at once.

If spots open up prior to May 1, then UCSD will start admitting off the waitlist, but in general usually after May 1.

How many are admitted off the waitlist is dependent upon the # of spots which will dictate if they are waves or just a trickle. Applicants are usually given 5-7 days to accept or decline. If spots remain unfilled from the first group then more admits will be sent out until all spots are filled.

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Thanks! You are awesome as usual!

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Guys I found the UCSD common data set for 2021
 and it’s not pretty.


We knew it was bad last year but it appears that UCSD admitted NOBODY off the waitlist last year out of 25k people

Do you mind sharing her major?

Thank you for posting the information. I have been looking for weeks and I know in the Waitlist forum, no one could confirm that anyone was admitted. I figured it was pretty low.

Now if you can find the CDS for UC Davis, Santa Barbara and Irvine for 2021, it would be much appreciated.

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UC Davis 2020-2021:

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Thank you but I already have that data, I am looking for 2021-2022 data. I could not find any posts that UCD took anyone off the waitlist last year and wanted to confirm with the CDS.

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My son was accepted to UC Davis, UC Riverside, UCSC, Cal Poly SLO, CPP, CSULB
waitlisted at UCLA, UCB, UCSD, UCI and UCSB
Major: Biology/biochemistry
UW GPA: 3.95
UC capped GPA: 4.31
W GPA: 4.5

He prefers to stay in So Cal, and UCSD would be his first choice, but with the number of applicants that were admitted from the wait lists from previous years, his chances aren’t looking good. Tough times.


Congratulations on his acceptances. He can stay in So Cal at UCR, CSULB or CPP. Highlander Day is April 9.

I would make the effort to visit SLO, UCSC and UCD. SLO has an admitted student day on April 8 & 9 and Davis’ Aggie Day is April 9. UCSC doesn’t have one specific day but allows you to schedule an admitted student tour.

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Most schools she applied for Cognitive Science but at SLO it is Graphic Communications and at Davis it is Design. I believe a couple schools she applied for Psychology or Informatics. She wants to be a UX/UI Designer so she can take a few different paths. She really wanted UCSD because they offer a "Cognitive Science with Specialization in Interaction & Design which was exactly what she wanted and their Sixth College with emphasis in Design & Technology aligned perfectly with achieving her goals. Since getting waitlisted she is leaning heavily towards Davis now as she can likely double major in Design & Cognitive Science or add a Comp Sci minor.

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