UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Yes, I got the email but no update to my portal. We’ll see…

DS released from waitlist for Biochemistry. Can we appeal this?

You need to contact UCSD admissions since their FAQ does not cover waitlist decision appeals. If you do appeal, make sure you have new and compelling information not submitted on the original application.



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The portal update says March 18th, but there is updated text above it …

Rejected for Computer Engineering. I guess UCSB it is! UCSD was probably the only waitlist school I would’ve considered instead of UCSB.

According to their admissions timeline web page, people on the waitlist can not appeal. But people who were outright rejected, who presumably were not as qualified as applicants who made the waitlist, had the opportunity to appeal with new information. Seems like a very broken system when less qualified applicants have an advantage over more qualified applicants.


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Thanks @PaulSD and @Gumbymom. Yes this doesn’t seem fair.

Ah right! Rejected it is

rejected-poli sci

Rejected Marine Biology out of state. Relived for closure as we are already way down the line with Univ of Miami and a complete re-direction wouldn’t have been easy. Hoping UC schools rethink their decision to string kids out so they can milk every last spot for an already overenrolled campus.

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Same with my daughter, in-state

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D got rejected yesterday - cog sci, in state 4.67 W, Valedictorian, outstanding EC’s including 12 years service & 7 years leadership. Glad to be done with the limbo - I’m sure she’ll thrive at UC Davis ! UCSD is missing out on a good one IMHO:)


Davis got all the good ones this year.


DS rejected from UCSD from waitlist. He’s committed elsewhere but this rejection was a little hard. He was born a few blocks away from campus. We visited that campus often throughout his life as we live close by. He did his homework at the library there after school. It was his first choice because of his familiarity with the campus, he had many friends going there and would visit them in the dorm, was in love with the program for his major and having him close would have been amazing. He had 2 dual enrollment classes, 14 AP classes, GPA 4.5, volunteered, worked while he had 2 semesters of all AP classes, loads of ECs. He is hard working, curious, determined, kind, and well rounded, all reflected in his essays. He did all that he could however for the mysterious process of admissions it wasn’t good enough. A little sad that he won’t be close by, an early life lesson on dealing with disappointments and having to be resilient and adaptable. Onwards and upwards.


Where is your son headed? Definitely UCSD’s loss for you and DStepler!


UCD is getting a little piece of my heart. :heart:


I think UC Davis is the big winner in this whole crazy admissions process - but I could be biased lol. They seem to have scooped up a lot of high achieving well rounded students this year:)


It was one of my son’s final campus tours. He gave up 3 merit scholarships to really good private schools, he just didn’t connect with them for one reason or another. The USD vibe, atmosphere, diverse study body, campus setting made his decision process easier. We are super excited about him going there and look at this as an opportunity for him to experience a different setting and culture than that of Souther California that he is used to. I’m also biased so I’m right there with you, UCD is a big winner.


Agreed. My son didn’t get in off the UCSD waitlist but committed to UC Davis and after spending a week there where everyone was friendly and smart, welcoming him to dinners and events, he’s now excited and also looking forward to being part of a bike culture :slight_smile: