<p>I think that I speak for myself and a lot of people on here when I say I don't know very much about the colleges that fall under the UCSD acceptances. I was just accepted into the Muir college and would love to know more about it. If anybody has experiences, ideas, opinions, etc. on any of the six colleges offered by UCSD it would be greatly appreciated if you could share them so that all the newbies know a little bit more in terms of where they are going. Thank you in advance!</p>
<p>I have a friend who’s been at UCSD for 3 years now. He told me that the main difference among the colleges is basically the requirements needed to graduate. John Muir College is the most popular because it has the fewest requirements compared to the other colleges (for more info, check out this link and click on any of the colleges to see the requirements [UC</a> San Diego General Catalog Web Contents](<a href=“http://infopath-1.ucsd.edu/catalog/front/content.html]UC”>http://infopath-1.ucsd.edu/catalog/front/content.html) ).</p>
<p>^ agreed</p>
<p>the GEs you need to complete after transferring are different for each college; it should be online</p>
<p>I also heard Muir is the best option from UCSD friends as well.</p>
<p>any info on marshall</p>
<p>for transfers, i remember marshall didn’t have that many GE’s, or any if at all</p>
<p>what about sixth college?Thank you</p>
<p>uhh i have my UCSD transfer book somewhere, so i’ll take a look at that when i find it and let you know</p>
<p>but i think sixth had no additional GE’s, warren had like… 2 more, and marshalls was pretty low too. muir has a writing GE, andddd ERC and revelle have… a lot… lol</p>
<p>what else besides prereqs are different about them?
in terms of dorms, location, social life, etc.</p>
<p>yeahh, that’s what I was talking about mostly, not necessarily the GE’s. Thank you so far!</p>
<p>oh sorry!</p>
<p>well i know for fall 2009 transfers, we get BRAND NEW dorms
it’s above ihouse in ERC [which is kinda in the corner of the campus]
sooo ya, we’d all be in the same place dorm-wise, unless you’re planning on living somewhere off campus</p>
<p>other than GE’s, there really isnt anything different about them</p>
<p>Thanks for the link, presk87.</p>
<p>Scrolling through the GE requirements, now I know why everyone wanted Muir :P</p>
<p>Marshall had a LOT MORE GE’s than I expected… :(</p>
<p>people that finished IGETC don’t have to worry about GE requirements unless they’re going to be in Revelle or ERC</p>
<p>i got into revelle ;o they made it seem the most prestigous</p>
<p>@sstory: yay more ge /sarcrasm
@kmzizle: looks like we’re gonna have some fun ;(</p>
wow I feel stupid.</p>
<p>I will just copy what I just posted:
After I spent long hours, figuring out what is the best UCSD college for a major in Economics (for a transfer), I put Warren College as number one (in contrast to Muir, because for a transfer it has less requirements needed to graduate and the highest percent of economics majors). This is the second time I got accepted to UC San Diego. The first time my major was biotechnology and I got accepted to Marshall. I would hate to reject this school for the second time I made my judgment on this website: [All</a> Campus Transfer Association](<a href=“http://transfer.ucsd.edu/igetc.php]All”>http://transfer.ucsd.edu/igetc.php)</p>
<p>I got into Thurgood Marshall! :D</p>
<p>Russiangirl, that website is AMAZING, thanks for posting!</p>
<p>**** can i transfer to warren? LOL</p>