<p>does anyone know when were gona receive our email adresses????? I already submitted my SIR</p>
<p>If I’m not mistaken, they said mid-May.</p>
<p>You should be able to setup your email pretty early on. You might miss out on some important notices if you wait to long. </p>
<p><a href=“https://acs-webmail.ucsd.edu/squirrelmail/src/login.php[/url]”>https://acs-webmail.ucsd.edu/squirrelmail/src/login.php</a></p>
mmm almost there</p>
<p>cool guys thanks</p>
<p>glad to see this thread. I can’t get mine set up, but hope to do so soon.</p>
<p>i’m in the same boat. also if any of you guys can help me out…
after i submitted my SIR, i was filling out information of my mother and father when i accidentally clicked the back button. i was never able to return to the original page. what did i miss? help.</p>
<p>^^on the first page you get after logging into the triton my app site, you can scroll down and edit the parent information</p>
<p>So I spoke with several people from the college today. They said that friday was the SIR deadline of some sorts and that we should be getting access soon. They said by June for sure…</p>
<p>Works now !!!</p>
<p>Yup it works!
go here: <a href=“https://sdacs.ucsd.edu/~icc/index.php[/url]”>https://sdacs.ucsd.edu/~icc/index.php</a>
and fill in the stuff on 2nd part</p>
<p>2nd part is not working for me. Might be because I didn’t submit my SIR yet. Have you guys submitted your SIR?</p>
<p>I submitted mine</p>
<p>sir submitted yes</p>