<p>Has anyone received the application yet?</p>
<p>nahhhh. those come out AFTER the decisions for UCSD come out.</p>
<p>wait the application comes AFTER acceptance? that is so weird…?</p>
<p>yea its a late march/early april thing so just chill for a while.</p>
<p>Actually emails just went out today to those who were invited to apply.</p>
<p>ok. yeah. was taken by surprise. who else got it?</p>
<p>i got it. 10char</p>
<p>noice. how many of you guys are intent on actually sending in the app?</p>
<p>lol you already know if you got the app or not. just need 2250 and 4.0.</p>
<p>try hard on the essay. its worth a lot and only 400 words. stick a resume in with your other materials. get a good picture of yourself (if youre ugly mess around with the lighting or something lol). of course use a manila envelope and not a normal one like some losers do.</p>
<p>thats what i did to get an interview.</p>
<p>wait, i didn’t get an app yet and i had above 2250 and above 4.0
<p>i’m not saying i was taken by surprise about the app zzz… i was taken by surprise that it came so early.</p>
<p>youre probably out of state im guessing</p>
<p>cali only son.</p>
<p>ey zz boy, can we take a look at your stats? i’m interested in knowing what it takes to get into the program.</p>
<p>zzzboy- was your comment directed at me? (i’m pretty sure it was actually)
in any case, i’m from ca so…yeah :(…and I even so far as to take the SAT again JUST so I can meet the stupid application requirements for the program ever since I heard of it like beggining of junior year…</p>
<p>i would call someone then. you should get it.</p>
<p>um my stats were:
sat: 2350
sat2: 800 Math II, 800 Bio E, 790 Chem</p>
<p>4.9 weighted gpa and like 4.3-4.4 uc? (totally forget what it was…might be lower). courseload was difficult but not the most difficult.</p>
<p>not many ECs tbh. only medical experience is shadowing (more like doing busy work) for a doc for 16 hours and i guess hospital lol. random clubs and stuff. one board position. nms finalist.</p>
<p>this is what i had for an interview. i got screwed on the interview because they asked a lot about med ECs and experience, and i didnt have any. i guess my responses sounded good the night before, but they were bs during the interview lol. might as well not have selected me for an interview if they were gonna grill me on med ecs…bastards.</p>
<p>i’m a current ucsd med scholar and if you guys have any questions or anything, feel free to ask! and good luck to everyone who is applying!</p>
<p>hey pearapple can you post up your stats for us for reference purposes?</p>
<p>What type of picture would be best to send in? Would senior pictures or something similar be suitable, or is it better to have a picture wearing professional clothes (like a suit)?</p>
<p>anything that looks nice…doesnt have to be formal/professional.</p>
<p>2x2 is small anyways so its mostly your face that theyre seeing. actually, its basically only your face.</p>