UCSD on Jeopardy

<p>anyone see that girl playing for ucsd on jeopardy? i only caught the ending</p>

<p>Yes, I did. She did fairly well. She did come in third(which is last...), but that was only cause she failed to bet it all at the end. I'm sure she could have come in second. Had she doubled her money, she would have ended up with 24,000 and I'm certain that the Asian female from Tech(Don't know which "Tech"...) didn't exceed 24,000. The fellow from Northwestern won. Why do I remember this? Yeah...I think I have an excess of time on my hands...oh well, at at least I have a decent memory. Farewell.</p>

<p>OH yeah, I saw parts of it, too. She seemed alright.</p>

<p>damn i missed it!.. when is the showing, what channel?</p>

<p>I'd own in Jeopardy on behalf on UCSD</p>

<p>No Iran, on Jeopardy, the objective is ANSWERING the questions, not asking.</p>

<p>^technically....in jeapordy, you never answer questions. You always ASK them.</p>

<li><p>What color is a leaf?
"What is green"</p></li>
<li><p>Who is your friend?
"Who is Jing Mai."</p></li>

<p>markodarko2, Jeopardy gives clues, not questions.</p>

<p>They never ask "What color is a leaf?" Instead, they say something such as, "Leaves are this color."</p>

<p>yeah which is then supplied with a question, hence it's on my turf idiots. but the point is, i'd seriously win. im really good at jeopardy. on another note, the two HBO channels given to us, do they include the ones that broadcoast real time with bill maher?</p>

<p>^He is good at asking questions. Just look at him asking a totally non-sequitor question in the middle of this thread.</p>

<p>answer me dude</p>

<p>so seriously...when does it air...? and what channel..</p>

<p>ABC channel 7 or 10 depending where u are, and its either 7:00 or 7:30 depending on ur location</p>

<p>I thought it aired on NBC. For you folks with TV next year, that's NBC 7/39 (channel 7 OR 39 depending on cable) in SD.</p>

<p>the girl was from Georgia Tech</p>

<p>Thanks ali153. I was wondering when somebody would catch that.</p>